May 12, 2017 - Thiago Braga

Jornada Pernambucana: tradition and evolution every year

Between the 7th and 10th of June, the XX Pernambucana Day of Radiology and the XXVII Breast Imaging Diagnosis Course will be held. The event organized by the Society of Radiology of Pernambuco will take place at the Golden Tulip Recife Palace Hotel, in Boa Viagem, Recife (PE).

On June 7th and 8th, there will be pre-journey courses: on the 7th, the Life Assistance Course in Radiology (AVR) will take place, coordinated by Dr. Adonis Manzella (PE), while on the 8th there will be courses hands-on in Doppler Vascular, led by doctors Adriana Ferraz (PE) and Patrícia Cavalcante (PE), and Musculoskeletal, under the coordination of Dr. Bruno Perez (PE).

The Journey and Breast Course, led by Dr. Norma Maranhão, will have the following topics on the 9th and 10th: Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in Musculoskeletal; CT and MRI in Neuroradiology; MRI of the body (Chest and Abdomen); Imaging techniques; Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics and General Ultrasound.

In addition, on the 9th, at 7 pm, the opening of the event will take place, which will honor Doctors Antonio Carvalho de Barros Lira (PE) and Radiá Pereira dos Santos (RS). There will also be a cocktail party animated by a pop rock band, a DJ and singing radiologists (Dr. Álvaro Campos and Dr. Fernando Amaral), creating a great fraternization party. The closing will be on Sunday, the 11th, at 4:30 pm, with a forró band.

“Come and participate in the traditional Pernambuco Day of Radiology and the Breast Imaging Diagnosis Course. We are preparing a high-level scientific program, with lots of joy and fraternization. Submit your scientific work as well”, invites Dr. Maria de Fátima Vasco Aragão, president of SRPE.