
The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) makes available in its monthly newsletter, Boletim do CBR, and on the CBR portal (, a space for classified advertisements for the purchase and sale of clinics, job opportunities and reports of theft/theft. Ads for buying and selling equipment are not offered.

CBR is not responsible for the content conveyed in the advertisements in this section, not committing itself to the veracity of the information provided therein.

Rules and Procedures for advertising

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Confira os anúncios:

Mato Grosso (2)

  • Radiological Clinic

    Radiological clinic, very well structured and equipped in the north of Mato Grosso, hires radiologists and ultrasonographers with specialist qualifications, to work on a productivity basis.

    (66) 9 9630-5681

    Code: 2024-63

  • Alpha X Imaging Diagnostics

    We inform you that there is a vacancy for a Radiologist, to work in the area of Ultrasonography and X-rays, who wish to live in Sinop-MT. Interested parties can contact us via email or the number below:

    (18) 9 8113-0338

    Code: 2024-61

Paraná (1)

Rio de Janeiro (1)

Santa Catarina (1)

São Paulo (2)

  • Monday - Health Management LTDA

    Contrata médico ultrassonografista (com RQE), para se juntar ao nosso grupo. O profissional irá atender conforme agendas estabelecidas (itinerário a ser negociado), com atendimento presencial sem a obrigatoriedade de residir na cidade. Locais: estado do Paraná e no estado de São Paulo.

    For more details, please contact us via:


    (67) 9 9822-0143

    (67) 9 9267-6895

    Code: 2024-65

  • Clínica Brasil image

    Offers vacancies for ultrasonographers, recent graduates or those with no experience. We have been a reference in diagnostic medicine in Santos-SP for over 30 years.

    (13) 3235-7805

    Code: 2024-60