July 18, 2018 - Thiago Braga

XIX Neuroradiology Symposium will take place in August

Another important scientific event scheduled for next month, the XIX Neuroradiology Symposium will take place on the 4th (Saturday), starting at 8 am, at the Tivoli Mofarrej hotel, in São Paulo, during the BCTRIMS 19th Annual Meeting.

O BCTRIMS (Brazilian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunological Diseases) is a non-profit civil association governed by private law whose purpose is to promote the study, education, research and dissemination of information on multiple sclerosis and other neuro-related diseases. -immunological.

The proposed discussions will address topics such as post-infectious and post-vaccination syndromes; New biomarkers using PET-MRI, Neuromyelitis Optic Spectrum and Pediatric MS: Updates; Cognitive changes and gray matter involvement in MS, with the international participation of Dr. Menno Schoonheim; “Central vein sign”, in addition to discussion of clinical and radiological cases.

CBR members have a 20% discount on registration, enjoy!

Check out this and other events of the month at Schedule from the CBR!