February 18, 2019 - Thiago Braga

Position Note on Telemedicine

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), a national entity that officially represents and entitles the specialty in Brazil, recognizes Teleradiology as an exclusive activity of the licensed physician identified by the Specialist Qualification Registry (RQE), the which is duly included in CFM Resolution No. 2,107 OF 09/25/2014, published in the DO on December 17, 2014, which defines and regulates Teleradiology in Brazil.

In addition, considering the current moment of wide debate among physicians regarding the update of CFM Resolution No. 1643/2002, which regulates Telemedicine in Brazil, to CFM Resolution No. 2227/18, the CBR goes public to reaffirm its irrevocable commitment to defend professional, within the precepts of medical ethics, as well as the defense of a responsible medical practice, focused on the well-being of the patient.

Telemedicine is already a reality in Brazil, as well as in other countries and across all continents and, unquestionably, it needs not only standardization but also revisions and updates by the Federal Council of Medicine, which is the legal and legitimate instance for it to materialize. this end, in order to adapt to the universe of technological innovation both in information and in the means of communication.

In this sense, CBR reiterates CFM's invitation and encourages radiologists to participate with manifestations and suggestions from the entire medical class through the CFM communication channel, with access available at https://sistemas.cfm.org.br/consultatelemedicina/

Finally, CBR takes this opportunity to reiterate its commitment to all physicians and, in particular, to radiologists, so that they can carry out their activities with dignity and ethics.

Click here to download the note in PDF.