2019-07-03 09:46:55 - 8

Standardization of Ultrasound Exams is disclosed to specialty societies

During the month of May, CBR carried out a campaign with specialty societies affiliated to the Associação Médica Brasileira (Brazilian Medical Association) with the objective of publicizing the Norms for Ultrasound Examinations, an official document prepared by the College's Ultrasound Commission, which lists the main points of interest and doubts that arose from the practice of the specialists involved. The purpose of the action was to show the importance of standardizing the denomination of the ultrasound study by region and the real scope of each exam, also reinforcing the fights of the CBR for the appreciation of the Title of Specialist and its relevance for the physician and the population. Several societies, in support of the College's initiative, publicized the Standardization among their members through their websites and social media, such as the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology, the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology, the Brazilian Association of Legal Medicine and Medical Expertise, the Brazilian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Brazilian Academy of Neurology. The document is available on the CBR website (cbr.org.br), free of charge and with access to specialists and the general population.