2019-11-05 18:28:56 - 13

Exciting tributes mark the opening ceremony of CBR19

The ceremony officially marked the beginning of the event and was led by Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos. At the opening table with him were Boris Brkljačić, President of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), Dr. Valdair Muglia, Scientific Director of CBR, Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, director of professional defense at CBR, Dr. Antonio Carvalho Lira, coordinator of the CBR Events Commission, Dr. Leonardo Macedo Alcântara, president of the Ceará Society of Radiology, Dr. Lorenzo Derchi, Chairman of the ESR Board of Directors, Dr. Bernd Hamm, former president of ESR, and Dr. Bruno Policeni, representative of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). After composing the table, Dr. Alair thanked everyone present and presented a CBR institutional video in animated format about the activities of the CBR, especially with a focus on professional defense and education. High point of the ceremony, the tributes moved everyone present. The first to be honored was Dr. Mário Lins, cardiologist and current president of CREMEPE (Regional Council of Medicine of Pernambuco) who received a plaque from the hands of Dr. Cybele. Then Dr. Alair delivered the CBR Gold Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the College on professionals in the field. This year's honorees were Dr. Linei Urban, one of the coordinators of the CBR Breast Commission, and Dr. Manoel Rocha, former president of CBR. A tribute was also paid to ESR, a partner institution of the College that, this year, carried out the “Best of ECR” project in an unprecedented way, bringing to CBR19 ten renowned speakers from the European Congress of Radiology (ECR). At this moment, Dr. Valdair handed a plate to Dr. Lorenzo Derchi. Afterwards, Dr. Boris was asked to give a short talk on the history of the ESR and the partnership with the College. There was also a surprise tribute to Dr. Maria de Fátima Aragão, second secretary of the CBR, for her work and dedication in organizing the event.