2024-07-12 10:51:50 - 24

Register for the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis

This edition is special, we will have the traditional activities, in addition to the new “Professional Defense Arena”

Credit: CBR

The 53rd Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR 24) will take place from April 19th to 21st, in Salvador (BA). The theme of this edition is: “Radiology of the future, now”. This will be the third in-person Congress after the Covid-19 pandemic, the others were in Florianópolis (SC), in 2022 and last year the event took place in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Our main event is now open for registration.

Proof of the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR)

The scientific program is sensational, there will be several national and international lectures with several references from global radiology. In addition to the lectures, several activities will take place within CBR 24. The first of them will be the application of the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) test, which will take place on September 19th, at 8 am (Brasília time). For more information, Click here.

Intensive Courses

During the event, we will have several intensive courses, check out each of them:

• Intensive Dermatological US Course;
• Intensive US Doppler Course;
• Advanced Intensive Course on Multiparametric Liver US;
• Intensive Musculoskeletal US Course;
• Intensive US Point-of-Care Course;
• Intensive Bone Densitometry Course;
• Hands-on in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology.


In this edition of the Congress, we will have the traditional arenas. The new feature of CBR 24 is the “Professional Defense Arena”. The new arena will be coordinated by Dr. Cibele Carvalho - President of the CBR, Dr. Juliana Tapajós - Director of Professional Defense and Carlos Moura - Economic Advisor of the CBR. Aside from the novelty, the well-known Arenas Culture and Humanity, Innovation, Radiologists of the Future and Ultrasonography are also part of the event's composition. In them, several activities will take place during the three days of the event. Arenas are places where multidisciplinary activities and a lot of exchange of experiences take place.

+Read more: The CBR-ESOR Scholarship Program, a partnership between the Brazilian College of Radiology and the European School of Radiology, which has the support of Bayer, includes the three winners with scholarships in Europe

3rd CBR Clinical Quality and Management Symposium

Later this year, CBR 24 will feature the 3rd CBR Clinic Quality and Management Symposium. The themes of this edition of the symposium are aligned with the main theme of CBR24: Radiology of the Future, now. The event is open to professionals in the multidisciplinary area who work in imaging diagnosis. Check out the main topics that will be covered:

1- Financial and Legal Sustainability in Radiological Clinics;
2- Quality and Sustainability in the Radiology of the Future;
3- Workshop Implementing the PADI Standard in Practice.

Social and Sports Activities

The Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR 24) is an event that goes beyond just radiology and imaging diagnosis. Concerned with the social and sporting aspect, this year we will have the 2nd CBR 24 Race and Walk. Get out of the routine and come participate and have fun with us. This edition will feature two circuits, 5 and 10km. Don't be left out and participate.

Scientific work

As in other editions, the submission of scientific papers is part of our congress. Candidates who wish to submit their work have until July 22nd to submit them. Check the schedule:

  • Deadline for submitting works (summary in text, summary in five slides and full presentation): until 07/22/2024;
  • Publication of works selected for the Congress (Digital Panels and Oral Presentations): 08/20/2024;
  • Publication of the best works on a digital panel: 09/21/2024;
  • Publication of the best works with Oral Presentation: 09/30/2024.

Stay on top of CBR's social networks, follow us on Instagram Facebook It is LinkedIn

Case Marathon

The traditional Brazilian Radiology Marathon (MBR 24) will be on the Congress schedule. The interactive activity will take place on September 21st, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, at the Innovation Arena.
The coordinators are doctors: Bernardo Tessarollo, Fernando Morbeck, Marcus Birelli, Maurício Zapparoli, Tiago Morita and Túlio Macedo.

Participate in the main radiology and imaging diagnostic event in Latin America.

We are waiting for you in Salvador!
