Institutional Agenda


Event Date Theme Local
Event: Participation in RSNA2024 Date: 01/12 0h to 05/12 0h Theme:

Presence of the Board at Congress

Local: Chicago, United States
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Participation in the CIR Date: 06/26 0h to 06/28 0h Theme:

Scientific participation in the Congress

Local: San Jose, Costa Rica
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Participation in the CNR Date: 05/08 0h to 05/11 0h Theme:

Scientific participation in the Congress

Local: Peniche, Portugal
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Participation in SAR 2024 Date: 04/14 0h to 04/19 0h Theme:

Scientific participation in the Congress

Local: Hollywood, United States
Event: Meeting with JRS Date: 04/13 from 9pm to 9:30pm Theme:

Monitoring meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Yokohama, Japan
Event Date Theme Local
Event: ISR Assembly Date: 01/03 from 4pm to 5pm Theme:

Presentation of the organization's annual results

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ISR Date: 01/03 from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm Theme:

Monitoring meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: ESR International Forum Date: 01/03 from 12pm to 4pm Theme:

Presentation of the organization's annual results

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Meeting with SFR Date: 02/29 from 5:15 pm to 6 pm Theme:

Monitoring meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with SERAM Date: 02/29 from 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm Theme:

Monitoring meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with FMRI Date: 02/29 from 11am to 11:30am Theme:

Meeting for organization of events in partnership

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ESR Date: 02/29 from 9am to 9:30am Theme:

Monitoring meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with EBR Date: 02/28 from 3:45 pm to 4:15 pm Theme:

Meeting for organization of events in partnership

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ESOR Date: 02/28 from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm Theme:

Meeting for organization of events in partnership

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Meeting with SIRM Date: 03/03 from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Theme:

Follow-up meeting after signing the Partnership Agreement

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with BIR Date: 03/03 from 12pm to 1pm Theme:

Follow-up meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ESR Date: 03/03 from 10:45 am to 11:45 am Theme:

Renewal of partnership agreement

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ISR Date: 02/03 from 5pm to 5:30pm Theme:

Meeting to present the new board and evaluate the partnership

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ACR Date: 02/03 from 10:15 am to 11:30 am Theme:

Follow-up meeting and survey of new partnership opportunities

Local: Vienna, Austria
Event: Meeting with ESOR Date: 02/03 from 9:15 am to 10:15 am Theme:

Meeting with ESOR

Local: Vienna, Austria


Event Date Theme Local
Event: 121st COPISS Coordinator Meeting Date: 06/27 at 2:30 pm Theme:

Approval of the draft minutes of the 120th meeting of the COPISS Coordinator (14/03/2024), Presentation of the Ontology
Brazilian Medicines Association – OBM, Impact of the FHIR Facial Biometrics message, Data quality monitoring,
GT TUSS 22 and guidance document on the uses of TUSS tables, ANS Reports and Industry Reports

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: COPISS Working Group (GT) Meeting - ANS Date: 05/28 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

TUSS Table 22

Local: Online
Event: Technical Chambers Meeting Date: 05/23 at 2pm Theme:

Debate the standardization of Point-of-Care ultrasound, known as POCUS

Local: Headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine
Event: Meeting of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for Medicine Date: 05/08 at 10am Theme:

Debate on changes to Decree No. 11,999/2024 with emphasis on the proposal to implement medical proficiency exams

Local: Brasilia DF
Event Date Theme Local
Event: ANS DIPRO - DIDES meeting Date: 04/01 at 2pm Theme:

Inclusion of exams Bilateral Conventional Mammography with Eklund's Maneuver and Bilateral Digital Mammography with Eklund's Maneuver.

Local: Online
Event: ANS DIDES meeting Date: 04/01 at 2pm Theme:

Presentation of the TISS Standard Adoption Survey carried out by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis and Suggestion for changes to the TISS Standard to reduce the volume of glosses.

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: IV CFM SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH COMMITTEE FORUM Date: 03/19 from 9am to 2pm Theme:

The Importance of Regulation in Sustainability

Local: Auditorium of the Federal Council of Medicine
Event: 120th COPISS Coordinator Meeting Date: 03/14 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

Approval of the draft minutes of the 119th COPISS Coordinator meeting (12/13/2023); SIB quality campaign – CODAD/GEPIN presentation; Data quality monitoring; GT agenda; ANS reports; Industry reports.

Local: Online
Event: Meeting at CFM Date: 03/05 at 2pm Theme:

Defense of the Medical Act and the valorization of the EQR

Local: Brasilia DF)
Event: Meeting with Senator Dr. Hiran Gonçalves Date: 03/05 from 9am to 11am Theme:

Invasion of the specialty and medicine in general by non-doctors, disrespecting the Medical Act Law and the devaluation of the specialty's remuneration.

Local: Brasilia DF)
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Meeting of the Working Group on Relationship with Health Service Providers – ANS Date: 02/29 from 9am to 1pm Theme:

Expand the technical discussion on topics related to Sector Development, with emphasis on the relationship between health plan operators and health service providers within the scope of the Supplementary Health Information Standardization Committee (COPISS)

Local: Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Event: Meeting at the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) Date: 02/08 at 8am Theme:

Imaging Diagnostic Technical Chamber

Local: Brasilia DF)
Event Date Theme Local
Event: 119th COPISS Coordinator Meeting Date: 07/12 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

Final presentation of the project “Standardization and Qualification of Supplementary Health Care Data (PQDAS)”, carried out by Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz (HAOC) through the SUS Institutional Development Support Program (PROADI-SUS) and in partnership with the Agency National Supplementary Health (ANS); Annual balance 2023; Data quality monitoring; Agenda for 2024;

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: 22nd COSAUDE Technical Meeting Date: 11/22 from 9:30 am to 9:30 am Theme:

Discussion of the results of public consultation No. 118 related to UAT 96 technology – Digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer screening in asymptomatic women, aged between 40 and 69 years

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: ANS – COSAÚDE Date: 10/20 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

Review of the Radiotherapy annex, Value Fields and pending issues from the last GT

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: 117th Meeting of COPISS Coordinator Date: 08/31 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

Monitoring the deployment of the Standard version; the TUSS of Procedures and Events; and the schedule and agenda of the WG on Content and Structure.

Local: Online
Event: ANS – DIDES Date: 08/24 from 10am to 6pm Theme:

Operator Performance Index Sheets (IDSS) Base year 2023, Exchange of Information in Supplementary Health – TISS and Remuneration Models

Local: Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Event: ANS – COSAÚDE Date: 09/08 from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Theme:

Seminar Economic Evaluation Parameters in the NOR Update Process

Local: Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Event Date Theme Local
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 07/13 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 07/06 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: Meeting held with AMB Date: 07/06 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

Extraordinary Meeting of the AMB Professional Defense Commission

Local: Online
Event: Meeting of the CBHPM Technical Chamber Date: 03/07 from 0h to 12h Theme:

CBHPM table

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 06/29 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 22/06 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 06/15 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 06/01 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: Meeting of the AMB Deliberative Council and Meeting with the Medical Bench Date: 05/31 from 8am to 5pm Theme:

Meeting of the AMB Deliberative Council and Meeting with the Medical Bench

Local: Brasilia DF)
Event: Meeting of the CBHPM Technical Chamber Date: 05/29 from 9am to 12pm Theme:

CBHPM table

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 05/25 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: Abramed panel at Hospitalar 2023 Date: 05/23 from 2pm to 4:10pm Theme:

Health, safety and qualification. What are the challenges?

Local: Hospital 2023 São Paulo
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 05/18 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 11/05 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 04/05 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 04/30 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NUJAMB Meeting – AMB Legal Nucleus Date: 04/24 from 6:30 pm to 6:30 pm Theme:

Presentation of specific and current problems of invasion of medical specialties

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 04/13 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: Meeting held with AMB Date: 04/05 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

The importance of defending the Medical Act and the impacts of CFM Resolution No. 2320/23

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: 115th meeting of COPISS Coordinator Date: 03/31 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

COPISS meeting

Local: Online
Event: Ordinary General Meeting - AMB Date: 03/31 from 2pm to 2pm Theme:

Renewal of partnership agreement

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 03/30 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: Meeting to discuss Provisional Measure No. 1,165 of 03.20.2023 Date: 03/29 from 12pm to 12pm Theme:

Discussion of Provisional Measure No. 1,165 of 03.20.2023

Local: Online
Event: Meeting of the National Supplementary Health Commission Date: 03/28 from 7:30 pm to 7:30 pm Theme:

Construction of a Negotiation model with Operators

Local: Online
Event: Meeting of the CBHPM Technical Chamber Date: 03/27 from 9am to 11:45am Theme:

Meeting with CBHPM, SBPML, ABN and SBMN

Local: Online
Event: Meeting of the AMB Scientific Council Date: 03/24 from 3pm to 5pm Theme:

Meeting to present AMB actions, discussions and deliberations

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 03/23 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: Meeting of Legal Advisers Date: 03/21 from 6:30 pm to 6:30 pm Theme:

Alignment meeting between NUPAM legal advisors

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 03/16 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 09/03 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: WG for Relationship with Providers within the scope of COPISS Date: 02/28 from 2pm to 6pm Theme:

Technical discussion on topics related to Sector Development

Local: Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Event: NAP Working Group Date: 02/16 from 5pm to 5pm Theme:

NAP Working Group meeting

Local: Online
Event Date Theme Local
Event: 114th meeting of COPISS Coordinator Date: 01/26 from 2:30 pm to 6 pm Theme:

ANS and sector reports, presentation of the SBIS survey and sector entities

Local: Online