December 5, 2018 - Thiago Braga

2019 Annual Resident Assessment: Exam locations will be announced on December 17, stay tuned!

The Annual Assessment for Residents and Graduates in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging and for the IX Annual Assessment for Physicians and Graduates in Ultrasound will take place on January 27, at 1pm (Brasília time).  

The test, which was created in 2001 with the aim of evaluating how Radiology teaching was in the country, gathered around 2,000 participants in the last edition and is known for its extreme care, both from the pedagogical point of view and radiological content. This is an assessment that fits levels R1, R2 and R3, with a different number and approach of questions for each level.  

Twelve cities will host the exam this year: Belém (PA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasília (DF), Curitiba (PR), Florianópolis (SC), Fortaleza (CE), Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Ribeirão Preto (SP), Salvador (BA) and São Paulo (SP).   

The test locations in each city will be announced on the CBR website on December 17th, follow along!