2020-01-23 17:50:50 - 8

CBR supports the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium 2020, which reaches its 10th edition

The event, considered by many specialists in the area of Breasts one of the most important events in Brazil, celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2020 and will have the support of the CBR, especially with regard to dissemination. The symposium will take place from May 14 to 16, 2020 in the historic city of Pirenópolis, in the state of Goiás. Members of the CBR Breast Commission participate annually as professors at the event, which is based on innovation in research, the strengthening of science and the loyalty of the main partnerships that, walking together, have contributed to its consolidation over all these years . At the site of the event, information about confirmed guests, speakers, workshops to be held and submission of papers are already available. The submission deadline is March 20, 2020. So, if you are interested, check the rules here. The scientific agenda will be available soon, follow along!