2024-05-24 18:24:52 - 8

CBR participated in a meeting between CFM Technical Chambers and other medical societies to debate and standardize Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

CFM, CBR, ABRAMEDE and AMIB during the CFM Technical Chamber meeting.

Yesterday (May 23) at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) in Brasília (DF), the meeting that brought together the technical chambers of the following specialties: Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, Intensive Medicine and Emergency Medicine with the aim of debate the standardization of point of care ultrasound, known as POCUS.

The work was carried out by Federal Councilor Estevam Rivello Alves, Coordinator of the technical chamber of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, and member of the technical chambers of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Medicine.

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR), through a presentation by Dr. Juliana Tapajós - Director of Professional Defense, spoke about the importance of differentiating between POCUS and general ultrasound.
During the meeting, the complexity of the method was highlighted, which is doctor dependent, the need for adequate and supervised training, and the irregularity of practice by non-physicians.

ABRAMEDE and AMIB made their explanations and it was decided to deepen this concept through a joint study of the three societies with the support of the CFM, which should ultimately draw up a resolution to ratify the concept to be defined.

The CBR has been concerned about the precariousness of how POCUS has been used, with total extrapolation of its real need, in addition to the risks of invasion of the method by non-physicians, especially in emergency and intensive medicine environments.

Also present at the meeting, leading the discussion: Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President CBR, Dr. Maria Camila Lunardi – President of Abramede, and Dr. Patrícia Mello – President of AMIB.
Several members of the three technical chambers were present and for the CBR, they attended: Dr. Robertson Bernardo - Communication Director of the CBR, Drs. Sebastião Tramontin, Henrique Carrete, Antônio Carlos Matteoni, who have already presided over the College.

Together we are stronger!