2019-03-22 16:28:17 - 8

CBR Professional Defense Commission holds alignment meeting

This Thursday (21), the first meeting of the Professional Defense Commission of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) took place, coordinated by the director of Professional Defense of the College, Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, from management (2019/2020). “The idea is to strengthen and diversify the College's professional defense actions, which are countless. The committee members have a successful history of defending professional Radiology in their respective areas.regional activities”, points out Dr. Cybele.
Work began with a welcome from Dr. Alair, who then pointed out the main problems in the current scenario of the specialty. During the meeting, several actions were planned to enhance the specialty. This committee is composed of: Cibele Alves (coordination) Members: Álvaro Campos (PE) Carlos Moura - CBR economic advisor Hélio Braga (BA) Juliana Tapajós (AM) Sérgio Andrade (MG)