Credit: CBR
The first day of the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging was packed with activities. The debut of CBR 24 had several highlights, such as: the 3rd CBR Symposium on Quality and Clinical Management, several intensive courses, an AVR course, the launch of the documentary “Climate Tragedy and Radiology in Rio Grande do Sul: A History of Overcoming” and much more.
AVR course
The first class of the CBR 24 AVR course took place on September 19, from 7:30 am (Brasília time) to 6 pm. The activity is exclusively for doctors to update themselves on how to act in emergency situations that may arise during the performance of a radiological exam. The course coordinator is Dr. Adonis Manzella.
Check out some photos:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Launch of the documentary Climate Tragedy and Gaucho Radiology
The documentary “Climate Tragedy and Gaucho Radiology: A Story of Overcoming” was released during the first day of CBR 24. The screening took place at the Arena Cultura e Humanidades, at 3:30 pm (Brasília time). Present at the launch were Drs. Cibele Carvalho – President of CBR, Linei Urban – Cultural Director of CBR, Alice Schuch – Member of the CBR Scientific Committee and Caroline Lorenzoni – President of AGR and full member of CBR and Dr. Ronaldo Baroni – Scientific Director of CBR.
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SQG 24
The 3rd Symposium on Quality and Clinical Management of the CBR began on the morning of September 19th. Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR was present and performed the opening ceremony of the event. The event had several relevant presentations, such as: “The Importance of Accreditation in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging: Ensuring Quality and Safety for Patients” and “Importance of PADI Accreditation for the Sustainability of Hospital Complexes – Case Presentation of the Albert Einstein Hospital”.
Check out the photos from the first day:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Intensive Courses
On the opening day of CBR 24, we had several activities on different topics. In total, Intensive Courses were held on: Dermatological US, Doppler US, Multiparametric Liver US, Musculoskeletal US and Bone Densitometry.
See how it went:
Credit: CBR
The five CBR 24 arenas had activities during the first day of the event. Here are some highlights from each of them:
Arena Cultura e Humanidade – Launch of the CBR socio-environmental responsibility seal;
Arena Inovação – Intensive Course on AI applied to Radiology: from basic to advanced;
Arena Radiologists of the Future – Emotional balance in radiology: strategies for managing daily stress;
Ultrasound Arena – Dermatological US and Abdominal Wall US;
Professional Defense Arena – Impact of new radiology procedures and opinions.
See the photos:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Opening Session
The Opening Session was marked by tributes and recognition. Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR, Dr. Maíra Pereira Dantas (CFM-BA) and Dr. Ronaldo Baroni – Scientific Director presented the ceremony, which included several tributes. During the event, Dr. Linei Urban – Cultural Director of the CBR, presented one with the theme: Technology and Humanization. The CBR also paid tribute to the radiologist who dedicated herself and helped in the evolution of national radiology with a gold medal; paid tribute in memory of a doctor and people who contributed effectively to Brazilian radiology; and also paid tribute to honorary members and international societies. Find out who the honorees are:
Gold medal
- Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos – former president of CBR (2019-2020) and President of the CBR Advisory Board (2021-2022);
- Dr. Regina Lúcia Elia Gomes – full member of the CBR and member of the Scientific Committee;
- Dr. Norma Maranhão – full member of the CBR and founder of the CBR National Mammography Commission (CNM-CBR);
- Dr. Estevam Rivello – Federal advisor of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) for Tocantins;
- Dr. Maria Carolina Barbosa Álvares – full member of the CBR;
- Dr. Manoel Aparecido Gomes da Silva – former president of the CBR (2011-2012) and full member of the CBR.
+Read more: CBR turns 76 today
In memory
- Dr. Ênio Rogacheski – was Scientific Director in the (2012-2013) biennium of CBR and member of the Teaching and Improvement in Residency Committee (CEAR).
- Dr. Luiz Eduardo Machado – He was a full member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR), in addition to having contributed to the College on several occasions.
- Luiz Carlos de Almeida – was editor-in-chief of the CBR Bulletin for 19 years (from 1981 to 2000).
Honorary member
Dr Andrea Rockall – UK radiologist and President of the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
Tribute to Societies
- Japanese Radiological Society (JRS) – founded in 1950, is the official representative of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging in Japan. The society was represented by Dr. Tetsuya Fukuda.
Check out the photo gallery from the Opening Session
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
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Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR