Credit: CBR
The second day of the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging was packed with activities. The day was filled with highlights such as: the 2nd CBR Race and Walk, the 3rd CBR Symposium on Quality and Clinic Management, several intensive courses, the 2nd International Forum on Oncological Imaging – Global Perspectives, the launch of the new CBR Collection, the CBR Ordinary General Assembly and the celebration party.
2nd CBR Run and Walk
The 2nd CBR Race and Walk kicked off the activities on the second day of the Congress. The race had two routes, one of 5km and the other of 10km. The walk had only the 5km route. The route was held on the seafront promenade, towards Amaralina. The winners were awarded on Saturday (September 21), at the Innovation Arena, before the Brazilian Radiology Marathon (MBR 24).
Check out how it went:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
+Read More: Check out what the first day of CBR 24 was like
CBR Collection
The CBR Collection was launched on September 20th at Arena Inovação. In total, 15 volumes were launched simultaneously, covering all subspecialties and areas of radiology. The works were written by more than 800 renowned authors here and abroad.
The opening was led by Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of CBR and Dr. Ronaldo Baroni – Scientific Director of CBR and included a signing session by the editors of all the works launched.
See the photos:
Credit: CBR
SQG 24
The 3rd CBR Symposium on Quality and Clinic Management featured a full schedule on the second day of CBR 24. The event had several relevant presentations, the central themes were: 'Financial and legal sustainability in radiology clinics' and 'presentations of scientific papers'.
See the photos from the second day:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Intensive Courses
On the second day of CBR 24, we had several activities on several different topics. Intensive Courses were held on: Dermatological US, Doppler US, Multiparametric Liver US, Musculoskeletal US, Point-of-Care US, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology.
See how it went:
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
The five CBR 24 arenas had activities during the second day of the event. Here are some highlights from each of them:
Arena Cultura e Humanidade – Overcoming skills: how to go beyond the limit?;
Innovation Arena – CBR Global Connection – medical innovation around the world;
Arena Radiologists of the Future – planning a career in radiology;
Arena Ultrasonography – Ultrasonography 4.0: The Future of the Market, Updates and AI Training;
Arena Defesa Profissional – reducing costs, increasing revenue and productivity using technology in imaging clinics.
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
2nd International Forum on Oncology Imaging – Global Perspectives
The 2nd International Forum on Oncological Imaging took place throughout the second day of CBR 24 (September 20). The event was attended by several international entities and speakers. The following societies participated in the debates: Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR), Japanese Radiological Society (JRS), Sociedad Española de Radiologia Médica (SREAM), Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR), Società Italiana di Radiologia Médica e Interventistica (SIRM) and the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. The Forum coordinators were the doctors: Ronaldo Baroni – Scientific Director of CBR, Maurício Zapparoli – Director of Relations of CBR and Rubens Chojniak – 1st Vice-president of CBR.
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CBR Ordinary General Assembly
The CBR Ordinary General Assembly (AGO) took place on the second day of CBR 24, at 6 pm (Brasília time), in room 1. CBR members met to deliberate on the following.
Fellowship party
The celebration party took place on September 20th and concluded the activities of the second day of CBR 24. The musical attractions were provided by Alexandre Leão and the band Negra Cor, who brought a lot of excitement and energy to the event. The celebration took place at the Convention Center itself, with lots of fun, music and joy.
Check out some photos
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR
Credit: CBR