The Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) will hold, between August 17th and 19th, at the Ceará Events Center, in Fortaleza (CE), the 1st International Congress on Evidence-Based Health (CISBE 2017).
The meeting will bring together approximately 1,200 participants, including physicians, other health professionals, health service managers and academics from various related areas. It will enable the updating of participants through the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the most renowned specialists, national and international, who will discuss relevant and current issues in Medicine.
The themes will be: Education in BEM; Social influence; Evidence generation; Balance of interests; Use of evidence in practice (health policy); Use of evidence in practice (shared decision); Use of evidence in practice (health professional); and Critical evaluation of the evidence.
“The 1st International Congress on Evidence-Based Health – CISBE 2017 aims to discuss the use of scientific evidence to define protocols and procedures, aiming at saving financial, structural and human resources available for care in public health services and private.”, says the president of the AMB, Dr. Florentino Cardoso.
Registration is open at site, where the full schedule and other information can also be checked.
Source: AMB