2020-09-25 12:45:06 - 11

Meet SCR's new board of directors for the 2020/2023 term

The new board of directors of the Santa Catarina Society of Radiology (SCR) for the 2020/2023 term was elected this September and will have Dr. Gustavo Pelandré as President, Dr. Fábio Vargas as Vice President, Dr. Juliano Pereima as 1st secretary, Dr. Luciane Stupp as 2nd secretary, Dr. Ângelo Carrão as 1st treasurer, Dr. Isabela W. dos Santos as 2nd treasurer, Dr. Guilherme Nunes as scientific director, Dr. Michele Scarduelli acting in professional defense, Dr. Aline Bianchini in publicity, Dr. José Olavo as Interior Club president, Dr. Paulo Brunato Filho as vice-president Clube Interior and, finally, Dr. Rafael Martins, at ABCDI. The subcoordinators for the North, Vale do Itajaí, South, Planalto and West were in charge of doctors Fabio Campos, Guilherme Beduschi, Rodrigo Cabral, Eduardo Cechinel and João Bazzi Jr., respectively.