Passed away last week, aged 84, victim of lung cancer, Dr. Paulo Frassinete Bezerra or Paulo Balá, as he was usually called.
Born in the hinterland of Rio Grande do Norte, in the small town of Acari, he was the first trained radiologist in his state and one of the founding partners of the Institute of Radiology of Natal, which completes 50 years of existence in 2017.
His training took place at the Federal Hospital of the Servers of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with Dr. Nicola Caminha, also establishing solid friendships with doctors Waldyr Maymone and Luís Felipe Matoso.
He was a member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), member of the Historical and Geographical Institute and of the Academy of Medicine of Rio Grande do Norte, former professor of Radiology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and still a member of Academia Norte-Riograndense de Letras, with four books published and one in progress.
Dr. Paulo leaves a wife, four children, including two radiologists, and a legion of friends.
CBR regrets the loss of an excellent professional for the radiology community and provides support to his family members.