Titles and Certificates

Specialist Title Test and
Practice Area Certificate

The title of specialist is fundamental for the career of a radiologist, both in serving the population and in teaching and research activities.

The title test of Specialist and Certificate in the Area of Practice of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) takes place every six months.

Specialty Theoretical Test Date Local Practical Test Date Local Information Candidate Access Proof feedback
Bone densitometry 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Vascular ultrasound with Doppler 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Mammography 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Diagnostic Neuroradiology 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Therapeutic Neuroradiology 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Ultrasonography in Gynecology and Obstetrics 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 29/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
Interventional Radiology and Angioradiology 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access
General Ultrasound 18/05/2025 MG, DF, PR, RJ, PE and SP. 28/06/2025 SP Information Candidate Access

Specialty Theoretical Test Date Local Practical Test Date Local Information Candidate Access Proof feedback
General Ultrasonography (USG) 18/09/2024 Salvador BA) 18/09/2024 Salvador BA) Information Candidate Access Proof feedback
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (RDDI) 18/09/2024 Salvador BA) 18/09/2024 Salvador BA) Information Candidate Access Proof feedback