Check out how the second day of CBR 24 went

The second day of the 53rd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging was packed with activities. The day was filled with highlights such as: the 2nd CBR Race and Walk, the 3rd CBR Symposium on Quality and Clinic Management, several intensive courses, the 2nd International Forum on Oncological Imaging – Perspectives … Continue lendo

ESOR CBR course takes place on September 18th in Salvador (BA)

This will be the 11th edition of the course, which has already been held in nine cities in eight states of Brazil. The CBR ESOR “Visiting Professorship Course on Abdominal Oncology” will take place on September 18th, at the Salvador Convention Center (BA), one day before the start of the 53rd Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR24). … Continue lendo


Associates of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), CNPJ/MF nº 62.839.691/0001-79, are hereby invited to participate in the Ordinary General Assembly, to be held during the 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Image Diagnosis which will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) on October 13, 2022, Friday, … Continue lendo

Check out the themes and lectures of the CBR23 Arenas

The 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR23) will feature a rich scientific program and the presence of several international specialists in various subspecialties. CBR 23 will take place from October 12th to 14th, at Windsor Oceânico, located in Barra da Tijuca (RJ). In all, our Congress will have four modern Arenas, check out the … Continue lendo

Doctor Gustavo Meirelles receives a certificate of appreciation for his participation in the Japanese Congress of Radiology 2023

The Doctor. Gustavo Meirelles, PhD from the Department of Imaging Diagnosis at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), with a postdoctoral degree and specialization in PET/CT at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in New York (USA), received, on the 14th April, a certificate of appreciation for participation in the Japanese Congress of Radiology 2023. The tribute was delivered … Continue lendo