A Brazilian member of the CBR, she will take office as president-elect of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) in September

Dr. Maria Cristina Chammas, director of the Ultrasound Service at InRad – HCFMUSP, who is currently vice-president 2 of WFUMB, will take office as president-elect along with the new board of the institution on September 6th, during the World Congress of Ultrasonography, which will take place in Melbourne, Australia. The decision of the new members of the … Continue lendo

Flaus: check out the full schedule and guarantee your registration!

The XIX Latin American Congress of Ultrasound (Flaus) will feature a wide scientific program. Brazilian and foreign professors will address classes in the specialties Gynecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine and Small Parts, in addition to Hands On activities. The event of the Latin American Federation of Ultrasound Societies (Flaus), which has the support of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnosis … Continue lendo