April 20, 2017 - Thiago Braga

Congress in Córdoba, Argentina, takes place in May

From May 25th to 27th, the XVI International Congress of Diagnostic Imaging will be held in Córdoba, Argentina, the VII Congress of Bioimaging and the 35th National Meeting of Residents. Promoted by the Society of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of Córdoba, the events will include workshops, conferences for Bioimaging graduates and Radiology technicians, electronic posters, cases of the day, diagnosing for a prize and other activities of general interest.

During the congress, which will be chaired by Dr. María Elena Castrillón, various topics of great interest to the specialty will be addressed. Important Argentinean and international professors of the highest academic level will participate, as well as renowned personalities of the Inter-American College of Radiology (CIR).

For the event, the Society of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis of Córdoba will award ten scholarships to CIR members who wish to participate in the event. Interested parties should write to the CIR secretariat: cir.admin@servimed.com.mx.

For more information about the scientific program, submission of papers and registration, visit: http://congreso.sordic.org.ar/.


Source: CIR