October 13, 2017 - Thiago Braga

CBR 17: First day summary

The XLVI Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR 17) started at an excellent level at the Expo Unimed Convention Center, in Curitiba (PR). With 17 thematic rooms, where, in addition to the opening ceremony, several lectures, panels and case studies within the most varied subspecialties took place. In some rooms, an environment for carrying out procedures was also built to provide more interactivity to the event.

The radiologist Dr. Gustavo Suertegaray, from Santa Maria (RS), sees the CBR as a congress more focused on the practical part. “It seems to me an extremely didactic event. The themes are more practical and we manage to apply them a lot in our daily lives”, reports the professional.

Among the highlighted topics on the first day, Interventional Radiology can be pointed out, with 12 case studies intensely debated over the first four hours of the event, among several specialists in the areas of interest. The so-called Clube dos Angiografistas had case studies that approached several slides and demonstration videos, always debating other forms of interaction with the audience.

In the General Ultrasound room, where there was an environment for the procedure filmed and displayed on the auditorium screen, Dr. Fernando Linhares demonstrated hepatic elastography in a volunteer. The demonstration took place right after two speeches by doctors David Carlos Shigueoka and Marcos Roberto Gomes de Queiroz, all from São Paulo, on the same topic.

Still within the general theme of Ultrasonography, room 16 was reserved for Courses hands-on. The space had equipment, instructors and volunteer patients who were examined before the eyes of observers. It was also possible for those interested to operate the machines and ask questions related to the topics in real time.

“It's an honor to participate in an event like the CBR, I really like it and I think it has more and more the space it deserves. It is one of the main specialty congresses in the country”, says Dr. Wagner Iared, coordinator and instructor of the activities of the first morning of CBR, focused on General Ultrasonography.

The afternoon of the first day of the event also brought many interactive activities and, in this edition of the event, there was the debut of the space workplace, an open area at the entrance to the exhibition area, where topics from the medical area were put on the agenda. One of the topics was artificial intelligence, which aroused a lot of interest from everyone who passed around the corridors around the space, debating the role of the doctor with the ever-increasing presence of machines and “electronic brains” that can optimize and make more assertive your work.

Still, another highlight of October 12 was the room where the Symposium of the Brazilian Society of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (SNBR) – Imaging evaluation in acute ischemic stroke (CVA) took place. In it, much of the time was dedicated to practical activities about computed tomography. Those present were able to perceive not only technical aspects of the application of the exam, but also share points of view, cases and draw conclusions with much greater foundation.

This year, the Breast module has a partnership with the Ibero-American Society of Mammary Radiology (SIBIM), which is simultaneously holding the XI Congress. One of the representatives of the international entity at the event was its current president, Dr. Melcior Sentís, from Spain, who spoke about new technologies in breast evaluation, including telemammography, in addition to the role of ultrasound in the evaluation of axillary lymph nodes after trial ACOSOG Z011.

“From the Society's point of view, it is a pleasure to work with Brazil, with its continental size. We are delighted with the result and believe that this is the way to go, with greater integration with Brazilian radiologists and new partnerships in the organization of events. The level of the course is excellent, and when we work together, we work better”, highlights the president of SIBIM.


The Doctor. Emilio Cesar Zilli, Director of Professional Defense at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), gave the opening lecture of CBR 17, on new forms of payment and the supplementary health market in Brazil.

Among other subjects, he showed how forms of health are composed in the country, spoke about the DRG system (Diagnosis Related Groups), which, according to him, is still a model that requires discussion by the AMB, and commented on the importance of the Factor of Quality. In addition, he criticized the system in general: “The situation of the Unified Health System [SUS] and supplementary health are not very different”.


The Gold Medal, the highest honor awarded to a professional by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), was awarded to Dr. Henrique Carrete Junior, former president of the CBR (2013-2014) and president-elect of the Interamerican College of Radiology (CIR). Very moved, he dedicated his personal and professional accomplishments to his parents, wife, children and professional colleagues, who helped him so much throughout his history.