2022-07-27 09:35:00 - 16

New direction of CBR will be defined in Ordinary General Meeting on September 2nd

The new direction of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) for the 2022/23 biennium will be defined at an Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) on September 2, during the 51st Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR22) , in Florianópolis (SC). The College's electoral process has a single ticket registered, which shows the unity of radiologists around the work performed to strengthen the sector. The presidential candidate is Cibele Alves de Carvalho (MG).

If elected, she will be the College's first female president. Current vice-president of CBR, Cibele Carvalho is a specialist in Internal Medicine and Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, MBA from FGV in Hospital Management and Health Services, former president of the Society of Radiology of Minas Gerais, where she serves as an Advisory Board Member.

Check out the complete composition of the candidate list for the direction of CBR in the 2023/24 biennium:

President: Cibele Alves de Carvalho (MG)

Cibele Alves de Carvalho cbr

- Specialist in Internal Medicine and Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- Effective Assistant of the Radiology Service of Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte from 1999 to 2010
- MBA from FGV in Management of Hospitals and Health Services
- President of the Radiology Society of Minas Gerais from 2014 to 2020 and current Advisory Board Member
- 1st Vice President of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis
- Radiologist and administrative/financial director of Clínica Scanner Diagnostic Center in Belo Horizonte
- President from August 2020 to January 2022 and current 2nd secretary of the Regional Council of Medicine of the state of Minas Gerais

First Vice President: Rubens Chojniak (SP)

dr-rubens-chojniak cbr

- Director of the Imaging Department and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Oncology at the ACCamargo Cancer Center
- Master and PhD in Oncology 

Second Vice President: Hélio José Vieira Braga (BA)

- Scientific coordinator of the Technical Support Nucleus of the Judiciary (NATJUS) of the Court of Justice of Bahia
- Academic Director of the Bahian Medical Association
- Medical director of Hospital Aliança (BA)/Rede D'Or São Luiz
- Adjunct Professor of Radiology at UFBA

First Secretary: Bernardo Tessarollo (RJ)


- Former President of the Society of Radiology of Rio de Janeiro
- Current First Secretary of the CBR
- Radiologist at Hospital Barra D'Or - Rede D'Or São Luiz
- Assistant Professor of Radiology at Unigranrio University
- Member of the Technical Board of Radiology at CREMERJ

Second Secretary: Mayra Veloso (DF)

dra-mayra-veloso radiologia cbr

- Coordinator of the Commission for Teaching Improvement and Medical Residency (CEAR/CBR) and cultural director of CBR
- Supervisor of the medical residency program at the University Hospital of Brasília (HUB/UnB)
Radiologist at Hospital Sírio-Libanês (DF) and Exame/DASA (DF) Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 

First Treasurer: Gustavo Balthazar da Silveira Carvalho (BA)

dr-gustavo-balthazar radiologia

- Medical residency in Radiology and specialization in Neuroradiology at Escola Paulista de Medicina/UNIFESP
- PhD from the Paulista School of Medicine/UNIFESP
- Executive MBA in Health - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
- Medical Director of RBD Imagem
- Collaborator of the Medical Residency Programs in Radiology and Neurology at Hospital Geral Roberto Santos
- President of the Society of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis of Bahia Atual Second Treasurer of the Brazilian College of Radiology

Second Treasurer: Alice Schuch (RS)

- Medical radiologist - Member of the CBR
- Specialization in Oncological Imaging – AC Camargo Cancer Center – SP Head of the Radiology Service at Hospital Moinhos de Vento – Porto Alegre – RS

Director of Professional Defense: Juliana Santana de Melo Tapajós (AM)

Dra. Juliana Tapajos

- Degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM -2000)
- Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (Santa Casa de São Paulo-2003)
- President of the Society of Radiology of Amazonas SORAM (triennium 2016-2018)
- North Vice President of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (2019-2020 biennium)
- Director of Professional Defense at CBR (2021-2022 biennium)

Cultural Director: Robertson Correia Bernardo (MG)

cbr Robertson Correia Bernardo

- AFSA Neuroradiology - University of Strasbourg - France
- Member of the CBR - RDDI and Neuroradiology
- Member of the Technical Board of Radiology at CFM
- Founder of IRB Teaching and professional training Doctor of the clinical staff of D-Rádio sul de MG and CIIM Poços de Caldas - MG

Director of International Relations: Maurício Zapparoli (PR)

- Abdominal Radiologist - DAPI - Advanced Imaging Diagnosis - Curitiba/PR
- Adjunct Professor Discipline of Medical Radiology - UFPR

Scientific Director: Ronaldo Hueb Baroni (SP)


- Full Professor at the Albert Einstein Israeli College of Health Sciences
- Teaching Medical Manager of the Imaging Department at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Communication Director: Luís Ronan Souza (MG)

Luís Ronan Souza

- Associate professor of radiology at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro
- Medical Manager at Sabin Medical Diagnostics
- Current director of ABCDI

ABCDI Director: Marcelo Vilela Lauar (GO)

- President of the Union of Radiological Clinics, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy in the State of Goiás (Sindimagem)