2022-11-10 11:53:02 - 8

Death Note - Dr. Luiz Eduardo Machado

With immense regret, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) received the news of the death of Dr. Luiz Eduardo Machado. At age 76, Dr. Luiz left us on November 9th. After days of hospitalization, due to a heart attack he suffered during a Congress in São Paulo, a series of complications led to his death.

Born in Salvador and graduated from the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in 1977 and PhD from the Spanish University of Valencia in 2011. Dr. Luiz was a full member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis and contributed to the College at various times, providing invaluable services such as coordinating the Ultrasound in Gynecology module of the latest editions of the CBR Congress.

His professional trajectory certainly added a lot to all those who had the opportunity to work with him at events, or on a daily basis. A great loss for the entire medical profession and for those who admired him as a person.

CBR thanks Dr. Luiz Eduardo Machado and his family for their years of dedication to Brazilian Radiology.