Socio-Environmental Certification Program

The Brazilian College of Radiology (CBR), committed to promoting sustainable and responsible practices, developed the Socio-Environmental Seal with the aim of helping imaging services adapt to the best social, environmental and worker safety practices. In addition, the CBR recognizes the importance of addressing climate issues and the impact that health has on climate change and society. Studies show that health service operations can contribute significantly to environmental impacts, and responsible performance by these services is crucial to mitigating these negative effects.

This seal aims to ensure that radiology services meet environmental sustainability and social responsibility standards, reflecting an ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in their operations. The regulation establishes the rules, methodology and criteria for obtaining the Socio-Environmental Seal at three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold, encouraging organizations to adopt practices that benefit society, the environment and their employees. The standards are organized into specific pillars and themes, ensuring a comprehensive and integrated approach to certification.


Find out the requirements for obtaining the seal by level

Bronze Level

Level 1

  • Compliance with minimum legal requirements related to the environment and social responsibility.

  • Environmental and social practices may be isolated and not integrated into the company's core operations.

  • Socio-environmental management can be perceived more as an obligation than as an opportunity to create value.

  • The company complies with relevant environmental and social regulations.

  • Some practices are formalized, with established procedures for dealing with socio-environmental issues.

  • There may be growing awareness of the social and environmental impacts of operations, but initiatives remain reactive and isolated.

Level 2

  • The company goes beyond legal compliance and begins to seek continuous improvements in its socio-environmental performance.

  • Implementation of measures to reduce the environmental and social impacts of operations, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, recycling programs, etc.

  • There is greater integration of socio-environmental considerations into business processes and the supply chain.

  • Assessment of results related to socio-environmental management, with improvement cycles.
  • At this stage, the company demonstrates leadership in socio-environmental management.

  • There is a commitment to innovation and excellence in sustainable practices, which go beyond compliance with regulations.

  • The company can invest in research and development of green technologies, actively participate in sustainability initiatives and seek recognized environmental and social certifications.

  • Sustainability is integrated into the core of the company's business strategy.

  • The company seeks not only to minimize negative impacts, but also to generate positive impacts on society and the environment.

  • Socio-environmental management is seen as a source of competitive advantage and innovation, driving long-term sustainable growth.

Do you want to get the seal of responsibility?