Associates of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), CNPJ/MF nº 62.839.691/0001-79, are hereby invited to participate in the Ordinary General Assembly, to be held during the 52nd Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Image Diagnosis which will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) on October 13, 2022, Friday, … Continue lendo

Congressman has free access to CBR21 classes

In the four intense days we experienced during CBR21, we acquired new knowledge, exchanged experiences, expanded our relationships, learned a lot and realized our visible difference in the lives of patients and healthcare teams. With such an extensive variety of classes/activities and the short amount of time to take it all in, we certainly had to select our schedule… Continue lendo

Resident Professor CBR: new in the Residents module

The Residents module, coordinated by doctors Valdair Muglia and Túlio Macedo, highlights the “Professor Resident CBR”, an exclusive space for residents and those undergoing training in Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis or in General Ultrasound to teach a class. The format is free, that is, the “Resident Professor” chooses how he wants to teach, aiming at the best … Continue lendo

A trio and multiple perspectives on Radiology today and in the future

A trio and multiple perspectives on Radiology today and in the future! ‍Check out what the official opening of CBR20 has in store for you! ‍ The official opening of the 49th edition of the Brazilian Congress of Radiology will be held in isolation on October 4, that is, it will be the only activity of the event on that day. … Continue lendo