Scientific agenda: the month of August will have events in the capital and in the interior of SP. Program yourself!

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis reinforces its support in publicizing important events that will take place in the second half of the year in several cities in Brazil. Sobrice Congress It will take place from August 9th to 11th at the Rebouças Convention Center, in São Paulo. The event will have a complete program with themes of endovascular surgery, … Continue lendo

Brazil: Call for Actions

Paulo R. Costa1; Alair ASMD dos Santos2; Lidia V. de Sá3; Hugo R. Schelin4; Cinthia Kotzian5; Luis AG Magalhães6; Simone Kodlulovich3; Helen J. Khoury7 1 Department of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo 2 Vice-President CBR/ Rio de Janeiro and Prof. Associate and Head of the Radiology Service at the University Hospital … Continue lendo

ABCDI holds a meeting with representatives of associated clinics

In the year in which it completes 16 years, the Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Imaging Clinics (ABCDI) reinforces its strong performance in representativeness and defense of companies. Among the different projects this year, the approach with associated clinics is an aspect that deserves to be highlighted. On the 4th of May, during the 48th Jornada Paulista … Continue lendo

CBR electoral process will start in June

The calendar of the electoral process that will decide the board of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) for the biennium 2019/2020 was approved. The registration of plates will take place between June 25th and July 12th, 2018. The electoral campaign will take place from July 23rd to September 13th … Continue lendo

Medicine and the use of WhatsApp

After numerous consultations on the subject, the CFM, in consultation process No. 50/16 - Opinion CFM No. 14/2017, consolidated the understanding in the sense that it is possible to use the application (platform) Whatsapp and similar in communication between doctors and their patients and among professionals. The Federal Council of Medicine, however, presented in the aforementioned decision … Continue lendo

Experts X Technical Assistants

In claims involving the investigation of medical error in any of its modalities, the figures of the judicial expert and technical assistants invariably appear. The judicial expert has an assistential function and will be summoned by the Judge of Law who needs evidence of a technical nature, and the appointed professional will undertake an impartial analysis of … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB)

The CBR, represented by the Director of Professional Defense, Dr. Cibele Carvalho, and by the College's Economic Advisor, Mr. Carlos Moura, participated this Wednesday, May 2, in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), in which the Ultrasonic Hepatic Elastography procedure was included in the CBHPM, after approval in the “List of … Continue lendo

Registration for the AVR course in São Paulo and Belém is now open

After taking place in several cities in the country, the Life Assistance Course in Radiology (AVR) will take place again in São Paulo (SP) in June and, in July, in Belém (PA). Both courses are already open for registration and those interested can register through the CBR portal. The program includes theoretical-practical classes, … Continue lendo

Check out the ESOR 2018 schedule and guest speakers

Recife and Brasília will host another edition of this important international course, carried out through a partnership between the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) and the European School of Radiology (ESOR). The event will take place on the 24th and 25th of August and CBR members can now register with a discount. Until … Continue lendo