“We had a very productive year, with great achievements for CBR and radiologists. We shorten distances and expand the frontiers of Brazilian radiology”, says Dr. Ronaldo Baroni, Scientific Director of CBR”
The Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) ends the year 2023 with several objectives achieved in the scientific area. During the year, the College's Scientific Committee managed to implement new projects, in addition to progressing and consolidating several educational and scientific activities that were already underway.
Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR23)
The main event in the scientific area and the College was CBR23. The congress took place from October 12th to 14th, at Windsor Oceânico, in Barra da Tijuca-RJ. In total there were more than 1300 scientific activities between refresher courses, hot topics It is boards multidisciplinary, among others. In addition to four arenas, five intensive ultrasound courses, an intensive bone densitometry course, three free courses and a record audience of 3500 congressmen and more than 1200 residents and medical students. There were more than 300 national speakers and 30 international speakers, representing several CBR partner societies. In this edition, the 1st Clinical Quality and Management Symposium also took place, two Radiology Life Assistance (AVR) courses, the now traditional Brazilian Radiology Marathon (in a new format, with residents and radiologists participating in teams), in addition to the 1st CBR Run and Walk and Congressmen's Celebration Party. Dr. Ronaldo Baroni, Scientific Director of CBR talks about the results of CBR 23: “The Congress was a success both with the public and critics, very well evaluated by congressmen, speakers and sponsors, and we are planning an even better congress at CBR24 in Salvador".
The union and effort of CBR, AMB and CFM made a difference in the filing of PL 2987/2019
CBR ESOR Asklepios Chest 2023
The CBR ESOR Asklepios Course is a partnership between the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) and the European School of Radiology (ESOR). The classes took place on August 24th and 26th, in the cities of Belo Horizonte (MG) and Salvador (BA), respectively. This year, the course was once again in person and focused on thoracic radiology, with the participation of around 60 students in each of the host cities. Dr. Baroni also spoke about the course and partnership with ESOR: “The course was a success, it reinforced our collaboration with the European Society of Radiology, and we will certainly adopt an even better format next year”.
Credit: CBR
Update 23 – National Radiology Circuit
This was CBR's main event in the first semester. Update 23 – National Radiology Circuit took place on April 31st and May 1st. The event was held in the 100% online format and aimed at promoting the updating of professionals in the segment in a theoretical and practical way. “Atualiza has grown in size, in the number of courses, in the participation of radiologists from Brazil and abroad, and has consolidated itself as the largest event hands-on online world update. This is an achievement for CBR”, says Dr. Baroni. Atualiza featured 27 courses from 12 radiological subspecialties. In the opening session, we had the Atualiza marathon with the participation of 14 state societies and prominent Brazilian radiologists who work abroad, in addition to a lecture by the then President of the European Society of Radiology, Dr Adrian Brady.
You webinars These are already consolidated CBR activities. These are online and live seminars, always addressing a specific radiology topic, often with a multidisciplinary approach and the participation of partner medical societies from Brazil and abroad. Different subjects are discussed, with national and international reference professionals. Dr. Ronaldo Baroni talks about the successes of the seminars this year: “We expanded the webinars for other areas, such as undergraduate education, which was our first webinar of the year”. The College's Scientific Director also added by talking about the slogan of this year's scientific activities: “We also expand borders, remembering that 'shortening distance and expanding borders' was the slogan of all CBR's scientific activities in 2023, not just the Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis”.
During this year, several seminars were attended by international radiological societies. According to Dr. Baroni “This is a way of bringing the CBR closer to other renowned entities and radiologists outside Brazil, as well as reinforcing the College's representation as the official body of Brazilian radiology”.
In addition to this rapprochement with international bodies, the webinars They also had an expansion in their themes, with nine different themes covered throughout 2023.
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SIGs is the acronym for Special Interest Groups. These are monthly meetings to discuss clinical cases between institutions and an audience of radiologists and residents in different radiological specialties. This year they were rethought and now have a larger audience, arousing even more interest from radiologists across the country; Some editions also included participation from international societies, through “CBR Convida”.
Other actions
CBR On offers online 100% courses that cover subspecialties and topics of interest to residents, trainees and already experienced professionals in radiology and diagnostic imaging, who seek updating and continuing education. In 2023, the CBR scientific area launched the undergraduate CBR On, with content entirely dedicated to medical students. CBR On content is available in the digital school and is free for full members.
The College's Scientific Committee was also present in five chapters of the Brazilian Medical Association's (AMB) General Medicine Book. Dr. Ronaldo Baroni talks about the new AMB book: “It is a new book, with the participation of renowned radiologists linked to the CBR, with five chapters dedicated to radiology and imaging diagnosis”.
Expectations for 2024
In 2024, the slogan of scientific activities will be “the radiology of the future, now”. Dr. Baroni talks about this motto and the expectations of the scientific area for 2024: “We intend to maintain and expand the activities we already have, but invest so that they grow in public, in scope, quality and representation. The doctor concluded by saying: “We are going to bring the most current in current radiology, and the perspectives of radiology of the future”.
CBR Collection
The CBR series of books, which serves as the basis for examinations for specialist degrees in Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis and for medical residencies in the area, will be renamed the CBR Collection, to be composed of new volumes covering the entire area of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis. The collection has already started to be developed this year and will be launched during CBR24, in Salvador-BA.
Finally, the CBR Scientific Director says that 2024 will be one of very important scientific achievements for the CBR member. Atualiza24 should have new courses, which will show the most important trends in the different radiological specialties, and greater international participation. It is worth remembering that the event will take place from April 5th to 7th, 2024. CBR24 will maintain a current, multi-thematic and inclusive scientific schedule, with new courses, new activities hands-on and greater international participation in the event, in addition to the increase in the number of arenas and cultural, sporting and social activities.