Imagem de introdução CBR Clínicas
CBR Clínicas .

management and quality
in radiology and diagnostic medicine

We are the core of the College dedicated to clinic management in diagnostic imaging across the country. Combined with accumulated experience and results obtained, we develop products for encourage the quality and sustainability of diagnostic imaging services, as well as defend your interests in negotiations with the various players in the sector.

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We qualify nationally the services, public or private, that voluntarily adhere to the program, through careful and impartial assessments of compliance with minimum quality, safety and sustainability requirements.

Know the program   accredited services

Selo de Qualidade Padi


The CBR seal of quality represents for patients and society the guarantee that the certified diagnostic service has attested the technical quality of its images and reports, considering them adequate to the rigorous standards of the College.

Know the program   certified clinics

It is the department of the College that represents the associated legal entities. In addition to offering various benefits, it also works to defend the specialty in relations with the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches, as well as with companies and institutions in the sector.

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