The groups operate with autonomy and an inclusion character, without punitive characteristics and are composed of representative members and vast experience in the respective method.

The main role of the CBR Commissions is to make available programs generated and controlled by the class itself, at accessible costs, a factor that has contributed over time to prevent the emergence of parallel companies to explore this segment.

In each of the areas that make up the CBR Quality Seals Program, there are committees composed of several specialized radiologists.


Foto Dr. Luciano Fernandes Chala

doctor Luciano Fernandes Chala


Foto Dr. Almir Bitencourt

doctor Almir Bitencourt


Foto Dra. Leticia Martins Azeredo

Dr. Leticia Martins Azeredo


Selo Mamografia


Coordinator: Dr. Luciano Fernandes Chala

  • Dr. Ana Lúcia Kefalás Oliveira;
  • Dr. Beatriz Maranhão;
  • Dr Carlos Shimizu;
  • Dr. Ellyete de Oliveira Canella;
  • Dra. Flávia Engel Aduan;
  • Dr. Gustavo Machado Badan – Representative of SBM;
  • Dr. Henrique Lima Couto – Representative of SBM;
  • Dra. Ivie Braga de Paula;
  • Dr. João Emílio Peixoto – Physicist;
  • Dr. José Luis Esteves Francisco – FEBRASGO Representative;
  • Dr. Linei Augusta Brolini Delle Urban;
  • Dr. Marcela Brisighelli Schaefer;
  • Dr. Paula de Camargo Moraes;
  • Dra. Rosangela Requi Jakubiak – Physics;
  • Dr. Salete de Jesus Fonseca Rego;
  • Dr. Selma di Pace Bauab;
  • Dr. Tatiane Mendes Gonçalves de Oliveira;
  • Dfrog. Thaís Paiva Moraes – FEBRASGO Representative.
Selo Mamografia


Coordinator: doctor Almir Bitencourt

  • Dr. Daniel Bernal;
  • Dr. Mariah Carneiro Wanderley;
  • Dr. Natália Concatto;
  • Dr. Wagner Diniz de Paula;
  • Dr. Willy Frederik Vater Santos.
Selo Tomografia e Ressonância
Selos Tomografia e Ressonância
Selo Ultrassonografia


Coordinator: Dr. Leticia Martins Azeredo

  • Dr. Antonio Carlos Matteoni de Athayde;
  • Dr. Benito Pio Vitorio Ceccato Junior;
  • Dr. Cândido Sarmet Damas;
  • Dra. Cláudia Borges Fontan Câmara;
  • Dr. Clodoaldo Cadet;
  • Dr. Cristina M. Barreto;
  • Dr. Dolores Bustelo;
  • Dr. Domingos Correia da Rocha;
  • Dr. Leonardo de Souza Piber (SBUS);
  • Dr. Mariana Brock;
  • Dr. Paulo Savoia;
  • Dr. Pedro Pires (SBUS);
  • Dr. Rejane Maria Ferlin (SBUS);
  • Dr. Rodrigo A. Vasconcelos;
  • Dr. Rogerio Augusto Pinto da Silva;
  • Dr. Rosemeire Garcia;
  • Dr. Vanessa Lopes;
  • Dr. Wagner Yared.
Selo Ultrassonografia