2022-01-14 16:50:50 - 11

CFM officially launches free Digital Certificate for all Brazilian doctors

The CFM Digital Certificate, free for all physicians and certified by ICP-Brasil, was officially launched this morning, in a meeting with federal counselors and presidents of the Regional Medical Councils (CRMs). "It is a historic moment, a watershed, in which we put into practice something we have been planning since 2019", said CFM president Mauro Ribeiro. “I am very proud to participate in this great project, which will impact the doctor's life and bring more security to electronic prescriptions”, added the 1st secretary and Information Technology Coordinator at CFM, Hideraldo Cabeça. “This is a very special moment. It gives a lot of satisfaction to see something that we planned with so much affection come to fruition”, highlighted the general secretary of CFM, Terezinha Ribeiro. The launch was attended by the vice-president of the Federal Council of Pharmacy, Lenira da Silva Costa, and the advisor Luiz Gustavo Pires. Also participating in the ceremony was the representative of the Institute of Information Technology (ITI), Ruy Ramos. Lenira Silva praised CFM for the initiative and added that CFF plans, in the near future, to offer the same service to pharmacists. Ruy Ramos pointed out that the CFM Digital Certificate will have a positive impact on society, since, in the long term, it will put an end to stamp forgery. In order to obtain the CFM Digital Certificate, the doctor must contact his Regional Council of Medicine (CRM). Whoever has updated biometric data will be able to issue the certificate via the Virtual CRM, but whoever has a problem with the biometrics, or the CRM still does not provide the service virtually, will have to schedule the fingerprint capture. At this first moment, some CRMs are not yet qualified to issue the CFM Digital Certificate. Hideraldo Cabeça explained that the use of the CFM Digital Certificate is already positively impacting the issuance of digital revenue. “In the last month, we implemented several pilot projects in the CRMs, which began to issue certificates gradually. As a result, the issuance of digital prescriptions through the electronic prescription website, which used to be around 80,000 per month, jumped to 200,000”, he reported. electronic prescription – CFM also launched this morning the new website www.prescricaoeletronica.cfm.org.br. If before the doctor needed to download a PDF to digitally sign it, now he will write the prescription directly on the platform and send it by email or whatsapp to his patient. The platform is completely free and valid throughout the national territory. Like the previous platform, created in April 2020, the new tool is the result of CFM's partnership with the Federal Council of Pharmacy (CFF) and the National Institute of Information Technology (ITI). The president of CFM, Mauro Ribeiro, thanked CFF for participating in the project, since the support of the pharmacist is paramount in dispensing the medicine that the doctor will prescribe electronically. “The involvement of everyone in this project shows that we can walk together”, he said. Lenira Silva, from the CFF, emphasized that the electronic prescription solved the problem of readability of the prescriptions and brought more security in dispensing. Source: https://portal.cfm.org.br/noticias/cfm-lanca-oficialmente-certificado-digital-gratuito-para-todos-os-medicos-brasileiros/