2019-02-23 13:15:04 - 8

CFM revokes Resolution 2227/2018

This Friday (22) the Councilors of the CFM revoked Resolution nº 2.227/2018, which deals with Telemedicine in Brazil. CBR is attentive to the process and reinforces to its associates the importance of following up on updates. Check out the full text of the CFM below: Sensitive to the manifestations of Brazilian doctors and representative entities of the class, the effective advisors of the CFM decided to revoke CFM Resolution nº 2.227/2018. In a note released this Friday (22), the CFM clarifies the reasons for the decision. Check out the full document below: INFORM THE DOCTORS AND THE POPULATION Considering its legal mission to supervise medical professional ethics throughout the Republic, in addition to ensuring and working by all means at its disposal, for the perfect performance of medicine and for the prestige and good reputation of the profession and of those who practice it legally, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) hereby informs that: 1. Due to the high number of proposals submitted by Brazilian physicians to amend the terms of CFM Resolution No. 2,227/2018, which defines criteria for the practice of telemedicine in the country, which has reached 1,444 contributions so far; 2. In response to the outcry of numerous medical entities, who ask for more time to analyze the document and also send their suggestions for changes; 3. Due to the need for time to complete the stages of receiving, compiling, studying, organizing, presenting and deliberating on all the material already received and still to be received, enabling a careful analysis of each of these contributions, with the aim of delivering to doctors and society in general an instrument that is effective in its function of regulating the performance of the doctor and the provision of medical services at a distance mediated by technology; After gathering the position of its effective directors, CFM announces the revocation of CFM Resolution nº 2.227/2018, which will be made official and countersigned in an extraordinary plenary session, convened for February 26, 2019 (Tuesday), in Brasília (DF). Finally, CFM points out that until the preparation and approval of a new text on the subject by the CFM Plenary, the practice of telemedicine in Brazil will be subject to the terms of CFM Resolution No. 1643/2002, currently in force. Brasília (DF), February 22, 2019. To access the note on the CFM website, click here.