2017-05-26 15:33:41
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Goiás Interior Club takes place in Pirenópolis
Between the 2nd and 4th of June, the Clube do Interior de Goiás will be held at Pousada dos Pirineus, in Pirenópolis (GO), with the themes Neuroradiology and Abdomen. The event is organized by the Goiás Society of Radiology (SGOR). The event will receive big names in national Radiology: doctors Antônio José da Rocha and Giuseppe D´Ippolito, from São Paulo (SP), and Dr. Marcelo Canuto Natal, from Brasilia (DF). Topics covered will be: Focal temporal lobe lesions: MRI patterns and differential diagnoses; Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography in Neuroradiology; Differential diagnosis of non-neoplastic myelopathies; Focal liver lesion not hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in chronic liver disease; Magnetic resonance imaging in parkinsonian syndromes; Bariatric acute abdomen; Tumor or pseudotumor? That is the question; Inflammatory acute abdomen: differential diagnoses; Differential diagnosis of lesions of the basal ganglia and thalamus; and Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: diagnosis and staging. In addition, there will be a gymkhana led by the president of SGOR, Dr. Hugo Gama, as well as case discussions by Dr. Pedro Gama, from Goiânia (GO). For more information and registration, visit: http://sgor.org.br/site/eventos/event/0/13-eventos/43-clube-do-interior.