March 20, 2020 - Thiago Braga

Important announcement about the Sufficiency Examination for Obtaining the Title of Specialist and Certificate in the Area of Practice - 2020 Edition

In accordance with all the recommendations and alerts issued by the federal and state authorities, which determined the closure of establishments and other measures to isolate the population due to community contagion by the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) and, in compliance with Ordinance AMB nº 005 , published on March 18, 2020, which provides for the temporary suspension of the Sufficiency Exams for the Title of Specialist or Certification of Area of Practice promoted by AMB and its Specialty Societies during the period of 90 days, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR) informs all interested parties and candidates already registered for the exam, scheduled for May 17th and June 20th, that it will be postponed to the second half of 2020.

 Below are the new dates and locations:

 September 13, 2020 (Sunday)

Test Locations: Recife, São Paulo, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and Belo Horizonte (addresses of the locations will be announced later)

1st Phase:

  • Theoretical test

Specialties/Areas of Expertise: Bone Densitometry, Vascular Ultrasound with Doppler, Mammography, Diagnostic Neuroradiology, Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Interventional Radiology and Angioradiology, General Ultrasound and Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  • Theoretical-Practical Test

Specialties/Areas of Expertise: Vascular ultrasound with Doppler, general ultrasound and ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.

October 08, 2020 (Thursday)

Test Location: Rio de Janeiro

2nd Phase:

  • Practical-Oral and Appliance Practical Test

Specialties/Areas of Expertise: Bone Densitometry, Vascular Ultrasound with Doppler, Mammography, Diagnostic Neuroradiology, Therapeutic Neuroradiology, Interventional Radiology and Angioradiology, General Ultrasound and Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

October 08, 2020 (Thursday)

Test Location: Rio de Janeiro

1st and 2nd Phase:

  • Theoretical and Theoretical-Practical Test

Specialty: Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

Due to this postponement, the CBR will also determine the extension of registration until the day June 30, 2020. All applications must be made exclusively through Candidate Access on the CBR website. For more information, visit the CBR website:

All candidates who have already signed up continue with their registration guaranteed for the new dates. Candidates unable to participate in the test on this new date may request a full reimbursement of registration.

Certain of everyone's understanding.

CBR Board