2024-08-05 12:39:00 - 8

Find out the full composition of the candidate list for the CBR board for the 2025/26 biennium

The College's electoral process has a single registered list, which demonstrates the unity of radiologists around the work carried out to strengthen the sector.

The candidate for president is Dr. Rubens Chojniak (SP). With a long history at the College in various board and committee positions, Dr. Rubens is the current 1st Vice-President of the CBR, a Radiologist, Master and Doctor in Oncology and Director of the Imaging Department and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program at the AC Camargo Cancer Center.

Check out the full list below:

Dr. Rubens Chojniak (SP)

Current 1st Vice-President of CBR;
Director of the Imaging Department and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Oncology at AC Camargo Cancer Center;
Master and PhD in Oncology.

1st Vice President
Dr. Helio Jose Vieira Braga (BA)

Current 2nd Vice-President of CBR;
Scientific coordinator of the Technical Support Center of the Judiciary (NATJUS) of the Court of Justice of Bahia;
Academic Director of the Bahian Medical Association 3 Medical Director of Hospital Aliança (BA)/Rede D'Or São Luiz;
Assistant Professor of Radiology at UFBA.

2nd Vice President
Dr. Juliana Santana de Melo Tapajós (AM)

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM -2000);
Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (Santa Casa de São Paulo-2003);
President of the Amazonas Radiology Society - SORAM (2016-2018 triennium);
Vice-president of the North of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (2019-2020 biennium);
Director of Professional Defense at CBR (2021-2022 and 2023 and 2024 biennia).

1st secretary:
Dr. Marcel Koenigkam Santos (SP)

Radiologist (European Diploma in Thoracic Imaging - ESTI/ESR);
Coordinator of the CBR Teaching and Development Committee (CEAR);
Associate Professor (Full Professor) - Bauru School of Medicine, USP;
Technical Responsible Physician for the Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Center at HC Bauru.

2nd secretary:
Dr. Fernando Morbeck Almeida Coelho (SP)

Coordinator of the Genitourinary Imaging Sector of the Abdominal Radiologist's Radiology Institute at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein;
Member of the Genitourinary Scientific Committee and the CBR Admission and Titling Committee;
PhD student in Health Sciences at the Albert Einstein Israelite Faculty of Health Sciences.

1st treasurer:
Dr. Alice Schuch (RS)

Current second treasurer of the CBR;
Radiologist – Full Member of the CBR;
Specialization in Oncological Imaging – AC Camargo Cancer Center – SP;
Head of the Radiology Service at Moinhos de Vento Hospital – Porto Alegre – RS.

2nd treasurer:
Dr. Beatriz Medicis Maranhao Miranda (PE)

Member of the National Mammography Commission and the CBR Breast Scientific Commission;
Treasurer of the Radiology Society of Pernambuco (SRPE);
Preceptor and Radiologist at the Breast Cancer Detection Center at IMIP – PE.

Director of Professional Defense:
Dr. Marcelo Vilela Lauar (GO)

Current Director of ABCDI;
President of the Union of Radiological Clinics, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy in the State of Goiás (Sindimagem).

Cultural Director:
Dr. Linei Augusta Brolini Dellê Urban (PR)

Director of the Cultural Department of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging;
Coordinator of the Cultural Commission of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging;
Vice-president of the Paraná Radiology Society (SRP);
Member of the National Mammography Commission of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.

Director of International Relations:
Dr. Ronaldo Hueb Baroni (SP)

Current Scientific Director of CBR;
Full Professor at the Albert Einstein Israelite Faculty of Health Sciences;
Medical Manager of Education at the Imaging Department of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

Scientific Director:
Dr. Mauricio Zapparoli (PR)

Current Director of International Relations at CBR;
Abdominal Radiologist - DAPI - Advanced Imaging Diagnosis - Curitiba/PR;
Associate Professor of Medical Radiology - UFPR.

Communications Director:
Dr. Augusto Braga Fernandes Antunes (MG)

Radiologist doctor;
AFSA in Neuroradiology from the Université de Strasbourg | France;
MSc with Distinction in Advanced Neuroimaging from the Institute of Neurology at Queen's Square, University College London | United Kingdom;
Medical Coordinator of NEPIA - Teaching, Research and Innovation Center Alliance Coordinator of CITe - Innovation and Teleradiology Commission CBR.

Director of ABCDI:
Dr. Ricardo Mendonça Rocha (CE)

Doctor graduated from the Federal University of Ceará in 1997;
Medical residency in radiology and diagnostic imaging at the Mandaqui hospital complex - São Paulo SP in 1999, 2000 and 2001;
Postgraduate studies in head and neck radiology and neuroradiology from IES/FAMETRO;
Former vice-president and director of professional defense at SOCEARA (Ceará Radiology Society);
Director of SINDESSEC (union of health establishments in the state of Ceará);
Coordinator of the imaging department of the Ceará hospital association.

Titling Director:
Dr. Tulio Augusto Alves Macedo (MG)

Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Federal University of Uberlândia;
Coordinator of the CBR Admissions and Qualification Committee.

Director of Institutional Relations:
Dr. Bernardo Tessarollo (RJ)

Former president of the Radiology Society of Rio de Janeiro;
Current First Secretary of the CBR;
Radiologist at Barra D'Or Hospital – D'Or São Luiz Network;
Assistant Professor of Radiology at Unigranrio University;
Member of the Radiology Technical Chamber of CREMERJ.