2022-05-27 10:25:03 - 16

Internal Auditor Course - Norma Padi based on Standard ISO 19011: 2018 opens enrollment

Enrollments were opened for the new class of the Internal Auditor – Norma Padi (Version 5) course based on ISO 19011:2018. Classes will be online, live, via the Zoom platform, with a 9-hour workload (3 hours a day). CBR and Padi Accredited members have a discount.

The training provides the clinics with compliance with one of the Norma Padi rules, which requires that at least one employee be trained in the course. It also guarantees advancement in the professional's career, with a recognized qualification in auditing based on the ISO 19011:2018 Standard, which provides the Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems for organizations of all types and sizes.