Professional Defense

Resolutions and Opinions

Here you will have access to the Main Opinions of ANS, CFM, ANVISA, among other topics.

 Defense Opinions

Find out all the opinions issued by the Professional Defense Commission here.


Know and access the main items related to the day-to-day of the radiologist, such as code of ethics, resolutions, laws and others, related to public health, supplementary, professional and patient rights, etc.

CBR Educa

Caption: Delivery of certificates to recipients of the CBR-ESOR 2024 Scholarship program. From left to right are: Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President of the CBR, Dr.

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The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), in celebration of its 75th anniversary and almost 130 years since the discovery of the X-ray,

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Professional Defense

The meeting that brought together the technical chambers of the following took place yesterday (May 23) at the headquarters of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) in Brasília (DF).

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