2019-09-11 16:25:37 - 8

CBR Professional Defense has direct contact to assist members

Professional Defense is one of the main fronts of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis. Therefore, in addition to a specific board and a commission, which work on guidelines of interest to radiologists and diagnostic imaging, the CBR also has a parliamentary advisory in Brasília (DF) and an economic advisory, which provide full support needed in meetings and strategic encounters, anticipate scenarios and guide the CBR in the best decisions. To monitor this entire structure, a direct contact was created, specifically for CBR members to send their questions, complaints or any other manifestation of their interest with a guarantee of total secrecy. The e-mail address is Defesaprofissional@cbr.org.br. Check the video that CBR prepared to publicize this channel. In addition to this means of contact, the CBR Workplace has a specific group on Professional Defense, where it is possible to share doubts, experiences and knowledge with radiologists from all over Brazil, in addition to monitoring CBR activities in this area. Dr. Cibele Alves de Carvalho, director of professional defense at CBR, is active in the group and is also available through “Workchat”, a Workplace feature where it is possible to contact each member individually.