2022-07-19 17:45:12 - 16

Professional defense of the radiologist on the agenda at CBR22

Professional defense will also be included in the extensive program of the 51st Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR22). One of the main events in radiology, CBR22 will be held from September 1st to 3rd, in Florianópolis (SC). To the registrations are now open.

The following Professional Defense topics will be addressed at CBR22:

- Professional Defense Movement of Radiologists in Pernambuco. a success story
- CBR Actions in Defense of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- Social media and the practice of medicine: Ethical Implications
- Teleradiology and the responsibility of the radiologist
- Strategic Planning in Diagnostic Imaging Clinics
- Difference of Contribution Margins of Image Modalities
- 10 sustainable tips for equipment purchases
- Challenges of the Application of Law nº 13.003/2014 in diagnostic imaging services

The radiologist's Professional Defense activities at the Congress are coordinated by Juliana Tapajós (AM), director of the area at the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR); and Cibele Carvalho (MG), first vice-president of CBR; Moderation by Alexandra Monteiro (RJ), radiologist and full professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences UERJ; and lectures by Carlos Moura, business administrator with an MBA in IT from USP, International Human Talent Development course from the University of Central Florida and economic advisor to CBR.

Read too: Professional Defense to strengthen the work of the radiologist  

The CBR22

defesa profissional cbr radiologia radiologistas

The 51st Brazilian Congress of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging will also feature scientific activities in 16 subspecialties and other topics of interest in radiology. Programming includes Arenas, Marathon, Point and Counterpoint, What's New in Literature, Rare and Challenging Cases, Hot Topics, Tumor Board and much more. All in an environment focused on promoting broad interaction among participants.

CBR 22 will be held from September 1st to 3rd, in CentroSul, in Florianópolis (SC).