2024-03-06 10:27:21 - 8

CBR Board of Directors meets in Brasília (DF) with Senator Dr. Hiran Gonçalves to discuss issues about the defense of the specialty and medicine in general by non-doctors

Reunião do CBR com o senador Dr. Hiran Gonçalves (PL-RR) sobre Defesa do Ato Médico;
From left to right: Dr. Valério Ribeiro - CBR Legal; Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President CBR; Dr. Hiran Gonçalves - Senator of the Republic; Dr. Rubens Chojniak – 1st Vice President CBR; Dr. Hélio Braga – 2nd Vice-president CBR; Dr. Mayra Veloso – 2nd CBR secretary; and Dr. Juliana Tapajós – CBR Professional Defense Directorate;

Yesterday, March 5, 2024, the board of directors of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR), represented by Dr. Cibele Carvalho – President CBR; Dr. Rubens Chojniak - 1st vice-president, Dr. Hélio Braga - 2nd vice-president, Dr. Mayra Veloso - 2nd secretary; Dr. Juliana Tapajós - Director of Professional Defense, in addition to Dr. Valério Ribeiro - CBR Legal, met in Brasília (DF) with senator Dr. Hiran Gonçalves (PP-RR), to discuss important issues for our specialty. 

Among other topics, issues such as the invasion of the specialty and medicine in general by non-doctors, disrespecting the Medical Act Law, the devaluation of the remuneration of the specialty, which is at a critical moment, were addressed, and an agenda of meetings of the CBR with several entities in favor of defending our specialty, with the support of the senator.

CBR Board during the meeting with Dr. Hiran Gonçalves.

It is the CBR with operations focused on benefiting its members and Brazilian Radiology.

Radiology is essential! 
Together we are stronger.