2017-06-12 17:19:04
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Note of death: Jonatha de Oliveira Lopes
Passed away, on June 8, at the age of 33, Dr. Jonatha de Oliveira Lopes, full member of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis (CBR) and of the Alagoas Society of Radiology (Sara). Born in Fortaleza (CE), he graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), in Maceió (AL), in 2009, and completed medical residency at Faculdade Pio XII, in the city of Barretos (SP), in 2014. Obtained the title of Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging by the CBR/Brazilian Medical Association in 2014. The radiologist leaves a daughter and wife. CBR regrets the loss of an excellent professional for the radiology community and provides support to his family members.