2022-01-20 16:24:08 - 11

Post-graduation does not qualify as a specialist title

Post-graduation does not qualify as a specialist title

A doctor can only announce himself as a specialist if he has completed residency or passed the title test

To be able to take the title test without having completed a medical residency or improvement recognized by the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), you need to prove 6 years of practice, that is, twice as much as the residency, which is 3 years.

Physicians who attended a lato sensu postgraduate course cannot apply to the regional councils to register as specialists if they do not have the corresponding degree or announce that they have the title. When the doctor discloses that he has lato sensu courses, even those recognized by the MEC, it can create in the lay public the false impression that it is a specialist title.

CFM alert: Graduate studies do not guarantee obtaining a specialist title, the mere existence of a lato sensu graduate course, even if recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC), does not qualify the doctor to announce himself as a specialist, having only academic value.

Only two ways can lead the doctor to obtain the specialization: through a test of titles and skills of the Specialty Societies affiliated by the Brazilian Medical Association; and/or medical residency recognized by the National Commission for Medical Residency.

The alert is made by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) which is aware of advertisements for some postgraduate courses that lead to misinterpretation. It should be noted that the physician can only announce the specialty when the title is registered with the Regional Council of Medicine in which he/she is registered.

Here are some important questions and answers:

  1. I did a lato sensu postgraduate course in an area that is not considered a medical specialty by the CFM. Can I advertise it? No. Because they have the potential to confuse the patient, these titles should not be advertised.
  2. I have a graduate degree in RADIOLOGY, but I do not have a specialist title. Can I put the word “radiologist” on my stamp? No. To present yourself as a geriatrician or professional in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, you must have a specialist title, acquired through the medical residency program or through an assessment by a specialty society recognized by the CFM. The patient must be absolutely clear about the training of the attending physician.
  3. I'm a psychiatrist. Sleep medicine is a field of psychiatry. I don't have a membership related to this area, but I did a lato sensu postgraduate course in this field. Can I announce it, as this area of knowledge is related to my specialty? No. To announce oneself as a professional in a given area of expertise, it is necessary to have a title acquired through the medical residency program or through an evaluation by a specialized society recognized by the CFM. Additionally, this title must be registered with the local CRM.
  4. I am a radiologist and I have a master's degree in surgery. May I reference this title in my radiology office material, business cards, and other advertising and stationery? No. The resolution prevents you from associating academic titles with your medical specialty when they are not in the same area. The CFM understands that the announcement of this title confuses the patient. This type of advertisement leads the patient to believe, for example, that the master's degree makes the professional a more qualified surgeon or radiologist, which is not true. In any case, you can advertise all the titles you have related to your specialty. They just need to be previously registered in the local CRM.