On December 8, 2022, the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) held the management termination ceremony. The ceremony consists of recognizing the president of the current biennium, for the services rendered to Radiology during the last biennium. A painting is made and is displayed in the gallery of former presidents, which is at the headquarters of the College. The person responsible for delivering the table is the president of the previous biennium.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not possible to carry out this formality for the penultimate biennium. Therefore, yesterday the CBR honored the presidency of the 2019/2020 biennium and the current one. The symbolic act is extremely important and is traditionally repeated at the end of each administration.
How was the ceremony?
The ceremony took place at the CBR headquarters, located at Avenida Paulista, 37 – São Paulo (SP); The Doctor. Dante Escuissato – 2nd vice-president of the current board, delivered the painting to Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, the president responsible for the 2019/2020 biennium. And, Dr. Alair Sarmet Santos, delivered the painting to Dr. Valdair Francisco Muglia, president for the 2021/2022 biennium.
This special moment is a way of thanking and acknowledging all the commitment of the management that ends the cycle. The Doctor. Dante wisely spoke about the importance of Dr. Alair, in particular, for the challenge he experienced during the two-year period he was at the helm of the CBR. Yeah, in this period, the world was experiencing the peak of the pandemic.
“Administrating the needs of the College and everything that directly affected it, through the delicate, yet challenging situation, did not stop Dr. Alair to carry out a great management", according to Dr. Dante Escuissato.
In addition to the gratitude shown at the time, Dr. Alair honored the current president of the CBR, Dr. Valdair, and commented on the great commitment in this biennium that ends on 12/31/2022. He spoke about the approach that Dr. Valdair succeeded in this cycle, between the College and other international and national radiological societies.
And Dr. Valdair, closed the tributes of the ceremony, after mentioning the importance of all who have already assumed the presidency of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnostics, in addition to the entire board and collaborators. Grateful for the trust granted in this two-year period and confident that the new presidency will be able to further strengthen the specialty of radiologists and the CBR as an institution, he concluded.
Who was present?
Members of the board of the Brazilian College of Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis were present to honor the current and previous presidency.
doctor Alair Sarmet Santos
Dr. Alice Schuch
doctor Bernardo Tessarollo
Dr. Cibele Carvalho
doctor Dante Escuissato
doctor Giuseppe D'Ippolito
doctor Gustavo Andrade
doctor Gustavo Balthazar
doctor Helio Braga
doctor Hilton Leon
Dr. Juliana Tapajos
doctor Luis Ronan Souza
doctor Marcelo Lauar
doctor Mauricio Zapparoli
Dr. Mayra Veloso
doctor Robertson Bernardo
doctor Ronaldo Baroni
doctor Rubens Chojniak
Dr. Teresa Sarmet
doctor Túlio Macedo
In addition to collaborators from all cores and areas of the College.