2024-06-17 11:53:44 - 8

RAD IS ESSENCE: CBR launches campaign and manifesto for the valorization of the specialty

Layout of the RAD institutional campaign:

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (CBR), in celebration of its 75th anniversary and almost 130 years since the discovery of X-rays, launches this week a manifesto for the valorization of radiology in Brazil. The document, prepared within the scope of the national campaign “RAD is essence”, highlights the importance of the specialty in patient care and calls for public policies that recognize the essential role of the specialty in strengthening the health system.

The CBR manifesto reminds us that, from routine exams to the early detection of complex pathologies, radiology integrates and enhances the results of several other medical areas. Therefore, in addition to recognizing the dedication and expertise of the radiologist, the campaign – which will continue on social media and official channels of CBR and partners throughout the year – will also encourage the involvement of different areas of medicine around comprehensive care and safe for the patient.

Given the proximity of the 2024 Elections, the CBR manifesto also calls on candidates to include public policies that value radiology in their health projects. “Radiology is essential for medicine and life, and therefore needs incentives to continue providing significant advances for everyone’s health”, highlights the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.

RAD IS ESSENCE: The CBR campaign will include the dissemination of news about the importance of radiology on partner websites, through social networks, institutional emails and the holding of events such as webinars, lives and public hearings with the involvement of authorities. These and other actions scheduled to take place throughout the second semester aim to raise awareness among society and decision makers about the relevance of radiology for public and private health in Brazil.

For patient and care safety - Manifesto for the appreciation of Radiology in Brazil.