Common questions
Yes. The CBR Bulletin includes opinion articles. To publish them, forward to the email address the complete material as specified below. The materials forwarded in accordance with the established will be submitted to the Board of Directors for evaluation and approval.
Publishing rules:
- Text: maximum of 3.000 (three thousand) characters, including spaces, in a Word file, with a suggested title with a maximum of 50 (fifty) characters with spaces.
- Author's photo: portrait type, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi in size 10X15cm, in JPG file.
- Term: publication will be subject to approval and space availability.
No. The printed edition of the CBR Bulletin is free for members of the College, for residency/improvement services recognized by CBR and interested in receiving the publication.
CBR provides spaces for advertisements that can be hired by companies, industries and other interested parties in editions of the CBR Bulletin, on the website, in its annual congress, among other means.
To advertise, interested parties should contact the CBR commercial department: (11) 3372-4544 or email:
The Bulletin has a sending mailing that reaches up to 20,000 emails. Its national presence allows for incomparable reach and efficiency, which allows advertisers to position their brand in front of radiologists throughout the country.
Editions of the CBR Bulletin can be accessed free of charge through the CBR website ( and the CBR Digital Library Application.
The classified must be requested by filling out the form available below:
CBR and ABCDI members up to date with their statutory obligations (annuities) can advertise free of charge (limited to one classified per issue/month; if you wish to publish more than one classified in the same issue, you must pay the amount described below).
Non-members or members who are not up to date with their statutory obligations (annuities) and do not wish to make the adjustment must pay the Insertion Fee for classifieds according to the desired time of placement, namely:
- 1 month: R$ 214
- 2 months: R$ 321
- 3 months: R$ 428
The placement of classifieds is only allowed for professionals in the field of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.
Classified size is standard and can contain a maximum of 300 characters with spaces.
The classified should contain as much information as possible about the product or service and contact details. In the case of the theft/theft report, it is also necessary to inform: brand, model, serial number, origin and year of manufacture.
The content expressed in the classified is the responsibility of the advertiser.
The advertiser will be informed by e-mail, as the placement of the classified is subject to space availability and will obey the date of request and confirmation by CBR.
On the portal, the announcement will be published shortly after confirmation by CBR. In the Bulletin, it will enter the next edition with space available.
CBR has an Institutional Policy for Supporting the Disclosure of Events. To request disclosure of courses and events on CBR communication channels, send your request to the email address It will be analyzed in accordance with the Institutional Policy, and may or may not be approved for disclosure on our channels.
Access the website: In the Article Submission menu, register by informing your e-mail and continue completing the requested data. Afterwards, enter the system and submit your article in the Author category. Wait for our contact to know if your text was approved or not for publication.
To join the Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR), interested parties must click on the link “join”, located at the top of the page, insert CPF and e-mail and then fill out the electronic membership form.
The deadline for analyzing the information and approval is up to 5 working days, when the doctor will receive confirmation of your new condition.
Holders: doctors with a Specialist Title granted or recognized by the CBR and who exclusively practice one or more of the College's methods.
Affiliates: physicians with a Practice Area Certificate granted or recognized by CBR who practice one of the College’s methods as a secondary activity or who have completed residency in Radiology Ministry MEC/Conselho Nacional de Residencia Médica (CNRM) or an improvement course in a vacancy accredited by CBR .
Affiliate: Physicians who do not hold a specialty title or certificate in their area of expertise, granted and recognized by the AMB/CBR, but who have an affinity with any of these areas, may become an Affiliate.
Correspondents: physicians who reside abroad and practice one of the CBR methods.
Residents or trainees: physicians enrolled in residency recognized by the Ministry of Education or training course accredited by the CBR.
Students: Medical students who are interested in and have affinity with Diagnostic Imaging methods.
There are also honorary members, benefactors and legal entities.
Members of CBR now enjoy various benefits of a scientific, teaching and advisory nature, of which the following should be highlighted:
- Technical and Legal Advice: All up-to-date members can send us questions through the CBR website, there is a specialized team of lawyers and an advisory to answer them;
- Free access to PEC: Continuing Education Program, these are distance courses, with a certificate of completion;
- Discounts on Congresses, exams and courses;
- Discount on purchase of books, such as Bi-rads;
- A space for advertisements and classifieds is available in the Bulletin and on our portal;
- Webinar: approach to major topics, of general interest, always by a big name in the specialty. There are 45 minutes of activity, with 20 to 25 minutes of class followed by cases that illustrate the topic, with the possibility of sending questions to a moderator.
- WorkPlace: virtual platform for sharing knowledge and interaction between colleagues.
- CBR On is an online 100% course that covers all subspecialties and topics of interest to the resident/improving and already experienced Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging professional looking to update.
- CBR benefits club, with more than 200 partners and up to 60% discount.
Access the website ( with login (CPF or email) It is password > select the option “ Annuities” and the contribution that is open > click on “make payment” > select the option “Ticket”.
A window will open to confirm if this is the annuity for which you want to generate the ticket > click on “Confirm”. The Banco Itaú page will open > select the “Bank slip” > “Print out” > download the billet generated to be saved on the computer. For payment by bank slip, compensation and release of benefits will take place after 24 hours.
Access the website ( with login (CPF or email) It is password > select the option “ Annuities” and the contribution that is open > click on “make payment” > select the “Credit Card” option.
– Enter card data such as number, expiration date, name, code (if it will be paid in cash or in installments) > click on “select”. A message will appear informing you if the payment was approved. After approval, the benefits will be released.
You can pay in up to 10 times on your credit card. No, the value remains the same for both options.
Access the website ( with login (CPF or email) It is password > select the option “ default letter” will automatically generate the document.
Go to the website and select the option “Login” > click on “Forgot password”> you will be directed to a page that asks for the email address registered > then click on generate new password > an automatic email will be sent with a link to log in and make the change.
If the step by step above does not work, contact us so that we can change the password to a default password. After that, the associate will be able to change to one of his/her preference within the portal > click on the option “Change Password” include the current default password the new password you want to put.
Yes, regardless of the release of the theoretical test, the Resident/Professing physician must enroll in the Sufficiency Examination to Obtain the Title of Specialist in Radiology and Imaging Diagnosis, pay the fee and send all the necessary documents required in the Examination Regulations.
The specific exam, called “Special Category”, is only allowed to be performed by the CBR when we receive authorization from the AMB/CFM. When authorised, disclosure is usually made at the end of the year to be carried out in the 1st half of each year.
Follow the announcement of new dates on our website and social media.
Not necessarily. The enrollment system is enabled to recover the document sent in the previous enrollment. If this does not happen, just upload the same document used. If you want to replace the file, just select the “Replace” option when registering.
No, we no longer ask for certified copies of any documents. They can scan the original copy of the documents and send. Only the training statements need to be notarized with the signatures of the declarants.
It can be a copy of the Professional Medical Card (page with registration and photo) or the CRM card (type RG).
The candidate can send a transfer protocol issued by the local CRM or a 2nd copy request protocol.
Yes. For all areas, all stages are eliminatory.
In this case, it is important to consult the specific regulations of the area of interest, since each specialty has its own specific documentation. All documents must be sent via the Registration System in digital form.
No, because all tests, especially the theoretical one, are held on the same day and time.
At the end of the Normative of each specialty, there is a recommendation of bibliography for study.
Yes, on the CBR website, in the menu Admission and Titulation > Specialist Title Exam > Previous exams, exams and answers are available only from 2016. Before that, the exams were not delivered and cannot be published.
A complete list of all services accredited and recognized by the MEC/CBR in Brazil is available on the CBR website.
For Medical Residency, the accreditation request must be sent directly to the MEC.
For the Improvement Course, the Commission for Teaching, Improvement and Medical Residency of the CBR informs that since 2018 new accreditations and/or the increase in vacancies of training programs in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging have been canceled. This is due to the beginning of the review process of the training models in RDDI, the relationship with the National Medical Residency Commission (CNRM) and with the MEC residency programs.
At this time, we recommend that those interested in establishing ISDN training programs seek accreditation with the MEC.
Accreditations remain available for training programs in Ultrasound and Fellowship/Level 4 or 5. For these, the request must be sent via the CEAR Portal, through the address > Accreditation requests.
After completing and receiving this request, the Teaching Commission (CEAR) will analyze the process and carry out an inspection of the service. It will then issue a final favorable or unfavorable opinion. If favorable, the Service will be authorized to start training at the beginning of the following year.
The registration period for accreditation of Ultrasound and Fellowship/Level 4 or 5 is until the end of the 1st semester (January to June) and the evaluation by the CBR Teaching, Improvement and Residency Commission is carried out in the 2nd semester (August to October) of the same year.
Yes. All training programs and standards are available here on the CBR website, in the section Admission and Title > Residency/Advanced Training > Accreditation of Training Services.
In order to register, the Resident/Professing (level 1) student must access the CBR portal and register through the section Admission and Title > Residency/Professing > Registration.
CBR will import all registration data into the internal system and will await confirmation from the Coordinator of the referred institution, who must confirm the student's bond through the CEAR portal ( for the registration to take effect.
During this period, student access to the CBR portal through the Associate's Space will be blocked. Only after confirmation by the Coordinator of the referred institution and due confirmation by CBR, will the student be considered a Member of CBR in the category of Resident/Professing Member, pursuant to the terms of art. 26, § 1, of CBR's Bylaws (available on the portal).
In order to re-register, the resident/improving person must access the portal through the Associate's Space.
In the Registration Update icon, the resident/improving student must check/update all their data and confirm their re-registration. CBR will import all your registration data into the internal system and will await confirmation from its Coordinator through the CEAR portal (
No, they are different procedures. At the beginning of the year, the CBR opens the Residents/Student registration so that everyone can be registered with the CBR and start receiving all the newsletters. In the 2nd semester, the registration period for the Annual Assessment opens, in which the candidate must confirm his participation and choose the location of the test.
No, the Revalidation process became optional due to the publication, on February 9, 2012, of CFM Resolution No. 1984/2012, revoking the obligation of CFM Resolution No. 1772.
Those interested in participating in the Revalidation process must:
- Register on the website of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA) –;
- Ask your Specialty Society as soon as possible to prepare your Title of Specialist/Certificate in the Area of Expertise; participate in events and other professional development activities accredited by the CNA; every five (5) years, carry out a new revalidation.
It is also important to point out that the title of specialist or certificate in the area of expertise does not lose its value. The physician enrolled in the process only needs to prove that he/she has kept up to date after being approved in the tests for obtaining the document. The AMB understands that in this way it is guaranteeing permanent medical learning and its scientific updating, aiming not only at valuing the professional, but at providing the best service to the population.
The preparation of Specialist Titles and/or Certificates in the Area of Practice is the exclusive responsibility of the Associação Médica Brasileira (AMB). For this, the following procedures will be necessary:
1. Make a written request to CBR, expressing their interest in making their title. The email must be sent to along with your CPF number, full name, date of birth and the approved specialty.
2. Upon receipt of this request by CBR, your e-mail will be answered with further instructions to complement your request.
3. Approved from 2018 – We inform you that the request for making the Titles and Certificates of candidates approved from 2018 onwards has already been automatically inserted in the AMB System. To complete the order, simply access the link:
Access address:
Your login: will be your CPF (numbers only)
Access password: AMB1234 (capital letter and everything together)
Attention: AMB will only start manufacturing after payment of the fee and filling in all your data. Minimum period given by AMB for manufacturing and shipping is at least 120 days. Any problem, contact AMB directly, by phone: (11) 3178-6800-R/120.