2019-04-24 11:38:00 - 8

SRad-RJ announces its upcoming events

The Breast Radiology Study Group will resume its meetings this Wednesday (24) with an inaugural class with Dr. Ellyete Canella on the theme Camera Lucida in Mammography. Coordinated by the Vice President of Breast Image at SRad-RJ, Dr. Letícia Gonçalves, the sessions will be bimonthly with the participation of several state services presenting clinical cases for discussion. The Nicola Caminha Meeting will resume its activities at the beginning of May with the participation of services from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Central Army Hospital (HCE) and the State University of Rio de Janeiro ( UERJ). Nicola is a monthly event for the discussion of clinical cases between state services that will take place on the first Monday of each month, until November. At each meeting, three cases will be presented and discussed. Both the breast group sessions and the Nicola Caminha meetings are free and open to anyone interested. Both will take place in the auditorium of Hospital Samaritano, located at Rua Assunção, 286, Botafogo. More information and registration on the website www.srad-rj.org.br.