2019-06-17 11:34:22 - 8

SRP: National Scientific Meeting

The Society of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of Paraná – SRP will hold its monthly Scientific Meeting on June 18, at 7:30 pm, at the Society's headquarters, with online transmission. The meeting is hosted by SRP Scientific Director Dr. Heraldo de Oliveira Mello Neto. The lecture will be followed by a discussion of cases in the same area and a cocktail. We emphasize that Paraná Radiology Residents score points for the Resident of the Year Program when they participate in person (Residents of Curitiba), Online (Residents from other cities) and also score points presenting cases. Lecturer: Dr. Rodrigo Aguiar – Radiologist at Clínica DAPI – Curitiba and Professor of Medical Radiology at UFPR and on the Radiologia Ortopédica.com.br website of Radiology of Paraná Rua Padre Anchieta, 2310 – 14th floor – Ed. La Defense Click here and access the webinar Support: UNIVEN – HEALTHCARE COPYLINK – CANON SINGLE IMAGE RAIOMEDIC IMEX – MEDICAL GROUP