Inclusion of US for Endometriosis Research in the ANS List

The Dynamics of the Health Market in the Negotiation of Readjustments and Accreditation of New Exams With Health Operators For decades we have watched health operators complain of high loss ratio, but they always reset the values of their beneficiaries' plans above the inflation of the period. No one addresses the fact that service providers… Continue lendo

USG for endometriosis research is now part of the LOL of procedures and must be complied with by health insurance

The Brazilian College of Radiology and Image Diagnosis (CBR) informs this Monday (7), that it managed to insert the (procedure - US - Endometriosis Research) in the TUSS (Unified Terminology of Supplementary Health), as requested by the College itself to the National Supplemental Health Agency (ANS). The US Procedure – Endometriosis Survey, which has already … Continue lendo

CBR participates in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB)

The CBR, represented by the Director of Professional Defense, Dr. Cibele Carvalho, and by the College's Economic Advisor, Mr. Carlos Moura, participated this Wednesday, May 2, in the CBHPM Technical Chamber meeting at the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), in which the Ultrasonic Hepatic Elastography procedure was included in the CBHPM, after approval in the “List of … Continue lendo

ANS updates List of Procedures for 2018

On November 7th, the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) released its new list, a new list of procedures that must be covered by health plans as of January 2nd, 2018. In total, 18 procedures were performed. added, among exams, therapies and surgeries. Below is a list of procedures… Continue lendo