2019-05-22 17:55:44
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Winners of the 3rd Brazilian Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Residents Marathon attend the ARRS Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii
Doctors Arthur Magalhães de Oliveira, José Cláudio Nogueira Junqueira and Thiago Menezes Baraviera, residents at the Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo, are members of the winning group of the 3rd Brazilian Marathon of Residents in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, a radiological knowledge competition sponsored by company Bayer and held at the Brazilian Congress of Radiology (CBR18) last year, in Rio de Janeiro. For this reason, they won the participation in the ARRS Annual Meeting from the CBR, which paid for registration, travel and accommodation at the event, which took place in Honolulu, Hawaii. “I thought the congress (ARRS) was very good and it was surprising, in a way, because I could see that the classes seem to be more aimed at radiologists in training, as they present some content that is a little more basic, but without losing the update content aimed at all radiologists. That's why I think that residents should be more encouraged to submit papers and participate in this congress", says Dr. Thiago Baraviera. The 3rd Marathon brought together more than 20 teams from different residency and improvement services in the country with the aim of promoting rapprochement between the different institutions, stimulating the mastery of radiological knowledge and the exchange of experiences. “The Marathon itself offers a great deal of learning for the resident and this is already an important stimulus, but I think the award initiative is very interesting because, in addition to encouraging residents to participate, it also works as a reward for their dedication. In addition, the fact that the ARRS congress has classes that are very good for radiology residents, makes participation in this congress complement the training of participants”, adds Dr. Thiago. Already Dr. José Claudio Nogueira Junqueira recalls that the members of the assembled teams dedicated themselves to preparing for the competition and learned a lot from the cases presented. “In addition, the Marathon allowed for greater integration between colleagues from the institution itself and from different institutions when they set up teams to compete, stimulating the exchange of knowledge and experiences. These initiatives contribute to the training of better radiologists, eager for knowledge and to learn more”, he points out. The Marathon is an opportunity to learn new things and test knowledge in a fun way, free of charge. That's how Dr. Arthur Magalhães, another member of the winning group, evaluates the initiative. “In addition, the Marathon made us much more involved with the congress and we even took advantage of participating in the event to send some papers. Another point is that it enables greater interaction between residents and colleagues from other states. Our younger colleagues in the residency will certainly want to participate in the coming years”, he concludes.