2019-03-14 19:41:07 - 8

Whatsapp and similar platforms for case discussions Understanding of CFM

In an important opinion on a current topic and which contains controversial issues, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) concluded that digital communication platforms, such as WhatsApp, can be used by professionals to discuss medical cases. CFM opinion No. 14/2017, issued by Dr. Emmanuel Fortes S. Cavalcanti highlighted, however, some points that should be observed by physicians: Discussions should take place in private groups of physicians, duly qualified and registered with the Medical Council of their jurisdiction;
  1. The matters dealt with, which will naturally be of a technical-medical nature, must be covered by secrecy and all sensitive data of those involved must be unrestricted and absolutely preserved;
  2. Discussions cannot refer to identifiable cases, even with the patient's authorization, nor violate any rule regarding medical advertising;
  3. Professionals, within the scope of discussions held on platforms of this nature, must observe the deontological dictates of their profession and other applicable legislation, taking individual responsibility for potentially illegal or unethical acts.
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